Sermons about Judgement

The Destructive Consequences of Our Sin

Date: August 7, 2022 | Speaker:

One little bug can’t harm a whole crop, but a swarm of locusts can devour and destroy an entire countryside in just minutes! We may not think that our “little” sins will ever harm anyone else, but the ripple effects might actually be felt for generations to come. The book of Joel describes a time when God’s people and their land suffered complete devastation as a result of their sin, and there was only one way to fix it. God called them to be genuinely brokenhearted, to repent of their sin, and to return to Him. If they did this, He promised to restore what they had lost and pour out His blessings upon them once again. If you are away from God right now and suffering the consequences of your sin, you don’t have to stay there! Return to Him today and receive the forgiveness and blessing He longs to give you.

The Spiritual Collapse of a Nation

Date: November 8, 2020 | Speaker:

How is it possible for a nation to be founded upon the Word of God, yet end up completely corrupted by sin and wickedness? The Book of Judges says this happens when everyone begins doing what is right in their own eyes. Any nation that abandons the moral absolutes of God will soon drift off course and become foolish in their thinking, and this will ultimately lead to their downfall. Has this already happened to America, and if so, how can we correct our course before it’s too late?

The Death You Should Have Died

Date: March 1, 2020 | Speaker:

Imagine being brought to trial for committing a horrible crime, and being given the death penalty. Then suddenly, someone jumps up and says they want to die in your place. The judge agrees, but orders you to perform the execution! Could you do it? In a sense, that’s exactly what we did to Jesus. It was our sin that put Him to death and made Him suffer God’s judgement! How often do we remember just how much He loves us that He would willingly die so that we could live?

Covered by the Mercy of God

Date: February 23, 2020 | Speaker:

No matter how well you did in school, there is one test you will never pass, even if you spend a lifetime trying. Because of our sin, none of us will ever be able to pass the standard of God’s perfect Law of holiness, and failure to do so brings death! We were doomed without hope until Christ came and fulfilled the Law perfectly on our behalf, and then He willingly took the judgement for our sins upon Himself. What amazing love! If you are still trying to earn your way to God, why not receive His mercy today instead?

You’ll Never Be Good Enough!

Date: February 2, 2020 | Speaker:

Ask a hundred people to tell you who in this world will make it into heaven, and most of them will say, “The ones who are good, who don’t get drunk or do drugs or lie or cheat or steal, the ones who go to church, the ones who keep the Ten Commandments…” In other words, they’re saying if you perform good enough, God might let you in. But, in fact, the Bible says we can never be good enough to get into heaven. Well, that leaves us in a pretty bad spot! So what are we to do? If no one can be good enough to get into heaven, then how do we get there? Listen to today’s message for a look at the Ten Commandments that may surprise you.

Why Blood Was Required to Forgive Sins

Date: November 10, 2019 | Speaker:

Are you going to heaven when you die? How do you know that for sure? Do you think it’s because you’ve been a good person, or given money to the church, or because your parents were Christians? The truth is, none of those things will get you to heaven. There is only one way, and that is through the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ who gave His life as the required payment for sin. God’s judgement for sin is coming, and the only way you will be saved from that judgement is if you have applied the blood to your life.

What Gives God the Right to Judge Me?

Date: June 30, 2019 | Speaker:

Maybe you’ve heard someone say, “If God is loving and kind, He would never judge anyone!” That may sound logical, but those same people cry out for justice and judgement the instant their child or spouse falls victim to a terrible crime. Their actions prove that wrong doing and evil must be judged. The lack of justice is, itself, wrong. Today we look at the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and see why judgement had to fall. But we also see that God’s desire to save is far greater than His desire to punish!

How to Escape the Coming Judgement

Date: March 24, 2019 | Speaker:

God gave Noah a ridiculous command to build a massive ship nowhere near water and prepare to load thousands of animals on board. But as foolish as this command sounded, Noah obeyed everything God told him to do. Because of his faith in God and his obedience, Noah and his family were saved from the judgement that soon came and destroyed the earth. God’s judgement is coming again, and no one will be able to stand against it on their own. But God has already provided a Way of escape. Do you know how to find it?

Finding Hope When Life Hurts

Date: July 23, 2017 | Speaker:

It is often hard to see beyond the struggles and heartaches of this life to imagine that anything good could actually be at work in them behind the scenes. Why would God allow these things to happen if I’m honestly trying to follow Him, and how can I find any hope in the midst of such deep sorrow? Take heart, God is in control, and you truly can find hope when life hurts!

Jesus Our Substitute

Date: April 5, 2015 | Speaker:

Who could ever imagine sending an innocent person to be beaten and put to death in the place of a violent murderer? Nothing about that would be fair! Yet that is exactly what Jesus did. He died on the cross even though He was innocent, and Barabbas was set free even though he was guilty. Barabbas is a picture of us all — guilty before God and facing His judgement. But Jesus stepped in and became our substitute, paying our debt and setting us free!

The Danger of Dead Religion

Date: March 29, 2015 | Speaker:

Jesus enters Jerusalem a few days before His crucifixion and examines the spiritual condition of the people. What He finds is a nation bustling with outward displays of religious activity, but beneath the surface, there is nothing but dead religion. He curses a fruitless fig tree as a sign of judgement against them, and then He throws the corrupt money changers out of the Temple for defiling His Father’s house. If Jesus were to examine our lives today, would He see a cold, dead heart beneath the outward religious appearance, or would He find fruit growing for His glory?


Date: September 21, 2014 | Speaker:

If someone bought you a new car, paid for it in full, and gave you the title, would you go to the dealership every month to make payments on it? Of course not! And yet that is exactly what we often do as Christians. Our sin debt has been paid in full and our record has been wiped completely clean, but we continue to live as though we’re guilty in God’s eyes. Once you understand the truth about God’s forgiveness, you will see your standing before Him in a whole new light, and you will be free to live your life for Him without being crippled by the guilt of your past!