Sermons about Justice

Blessed are the Merciful

Date: August 5, 2018 | Speaker:

Deeply ingrained in every human heart is a desire for justice. This is part of the image of God that has been imprinted on our nature, but because of sin, our desire for justice has been distorted. It now lurks inside us, keeping track of all the ways other people have offended us, and constantly demanding that they pay for what they’ve done. But rather than seeking revenge, Jesus said His followers should be quick to show mercy by forgiving the debts of others, even if they don’t deserve it. After all, God forgave us of all our sin, and we did nothing to deserve it!

Are You a Debt Collector?

Date: March 4, 2018 | Speaker:

There’s a lot of debt collecting taking place in the world, and not just the financial kind. When someone hurts us, we tend to hold that person in debt, convinced that they owe us something, and demanding that they pay us back for the wrong they’ve done. But Jesus says we must release others and forgive them, just as our heavenly Father has canceled our debt and forgiven us. So, are you a debt collector or a debt releaser?

When God Turns the Tables

Date: October 29, 2017 | Speaker:

On the very day that Haman had planned the destruction of the Jews, the tables were turned and the Jews gained victory over their enemies. In much the same way, Satan plotted and planned the destruction of the Son of God, and all hell celebrated when He hung dying on the cross. But on that very day, the tables were turned and Christ triumphed over His enemies, bringing salvation to all who believe in Him.

How to Face Trials and Temptations

Date: July 9, 2017 | Speaker:

What do you do when the trials and temptations of life feel overwhelming? Is there someone you can turn to or some place you can go to find hope and help that will get you through those moments? Today’s message teaches us an important biblical principle that will not only help us be prepared before those battles come, but will give us hope long after those battles are over.

What Suffering is Designed to Do

Date: July 2, 2017 | Speaker:

Human reasoning would have us believe that if God really loved us, He would protect us from all pain, heartache and suffering. It is vital, then, that we do not face the hardships of life with human reasoning, but rather, with the mind of Christ. What attitude did Christ have when He endured all the physical and emotional suffering that came His way, and what can we learn by having that same attitude?