Sermons about Leadership

Not All Prophets Are True Prophets

Date: June 20, 2021 | Speaker:

How do you know if the sermon you’re listening to is the true Word of God and not false teaching? Are you able to spot counterfeit Christianity? Not everyone who says they have a word from the Lord actually has a word from the Lord. So be alert and pray for discernment! Satan often uses false prophets to draw people away from the truth and ruin their lives. Don’t be one of them!

Having a Strong Faith in Weak Times

Date: June 13, 2021 | Speaker:

American Christians have had it easy for a very long time. It really hasn’t cost current generations anything to follow Christ. That’s a blessing, but it has sadly created a sense of apathy and entitlement in the church, causing Christians to always want the easiest, most convenient path. That kind of faith will never withstand the tests that are most certainly coming for the church! We must begin right now to put our own desires aside and make certain that we are rooted deeply in Christ, and that we are living wholly for His mission.

The Fall of a King and the Mercy of God

Date: March 28, 2021 | Speaker:

David started out as a great king. He led the people with kindness and discernment, and he put all of his trust in the Lord. But none of that lasted. Like all of us, David was unable to live up the perfect Law of God, and his kingship was eventually tarnished by sin. Thankfully his sin did not mark the end of his legacy, because David threw himself on the mercy of God and he was forgiven. Where do you turn when you fall?

Don’t Put Your Hope in the Wrong Leader

Date: March 21, 2021 | Speaker:

We live in a world where leaders fail us on a regular basis. Pastors fall, elected officials betray us, and our heroes let us down. Even the greatest leaders at their very best are flawed. There is only One in whom we can totally place our trust. His kingdom will never fall and He will reign in truth and justice forever. If you put your faith in any earthly leader, you will be disappointed. Put your hope in Jesus. He will never fail you!

What Kind of Legacy Will You Leave?

Date: February 28, 2021 | Speaker:

All of us will leave a legacy behind that will continue to live on after we are gone, and that legacy will either glorify God or it will glorify Satan. The choices we’re making today — our plans, our pursuits and our passions — are already shaping that legacy. Are we living each day with the big picture in mind to ensure that God will be honored through our life, and that He will continue to be honored even after we die?

Will You Defend God’s Honor?

Date: February 21, 2021 | Speaker:

On our list of priorities, plans and life’s goals, how high have we placed “bringing honor and glory to God?” Is that even on our list? Is it something we ever think about? At critical times throughout history there have been moments when God searched for just one person who would stand up for Him. Sometimes He found that person. Sometimes He did not. Are you committed to standing alone for God, if necessary, and using your life to bring Him glory?

Highlights From a Wasted Life

Date: February 7, 2021 | Speaker:

King Saul had it all. He was tall, handsome, popular and powerful. But while he may have looked like the perfect king on the outside, everyone soon discovered that he had no substance on the inside. His pride and lack of self-discipline caused him to ignore God’s commands and follow his own desires. Sadly, this became his downfall and led him to a life of rebellion and destruction. He should serve as a warning to all of us about the danger of disregarding God’s Word and going our own way.

The Spiritual Collapse of a Nation

Date: November 8, 2020 | Speaker:

How is it possible for a nation to be founded upon the Word of God, yet end up completely corrupted by sin and wickedness? The Book of Judges says this happens when everyone begins doing what is right in their own eyes. Any nation that abandons the moral absolutes of God will soon drift off course and become foolish in their thinking, and this will ultimately lead to their downfall. Has this already happened to America, and if so, how can we correct our course before it’s too late?

You Can’t Follow God by Accident

Date: October 18, 2020 | Speaker:

How would God rate our service to Him right now? Is it a sincere, fully-devoted service, or are we still holding onto things that displease Him? Living a life of faithfulness to God will not happen by accident. It will only happen if we choose to put Him first every single day of our lives, and put to death every “idol” that is taking His place. Is there anything God has told you to get rid of that you are still allowing to reside in your heart?

Are You Headed Toward Spiritual Excellence?

Date: July 19, 2020 | Speaker:

If you were given the choice of living a mediocre life versus living an excellent life, you would most likely choose excellence. None of us want to live a mediocre life, but do we feel the same about our spiritual life? The Bible gives us some simple things we can begin doing that will lead us toward spiritual maturity and excellence, and you can start building them into your life today!

When God Seems to Lead the Wrong Way

Date: January 12, 2020 | Speaker:

So, there you are, faithfully following God, when all of a sudden you find yourself right in the middle of another trial! Have you ever wondered why God leads you into so many tests of faith? Today we find the Israelites trapped between an approaching Egyptian army on one side and the Red Sea on the other. Why did God lead them there? Does He not care about them at all? Even though there was an easier route, God brought them to this crisis in order to show His power. Could it be that the situation you are wishing would disappear right now is the very thing God wants to use to show His power and strengthen your faith?

Where Are Your Choices Taking You?

Date: June 2, 2019 | Speaker:

It’s funny to watch two children staring at the last slice of pizza or the last piece of birthday cake, trying to decide who will get it. Even as adults, we find ourselves racing other people to the closest parking space, or arranging the details of a business deal to make sure we get better returns than anyone else. When we let our desires lead us instead of asking God for direction, we will never end up where He wants us to be. So, what is driving your choices in life right now?