Time. It’s a word we use everyday. It’s also a word used often in Scripture. But have we ever focused on the significance God gives to it? Do we view it the way He wants us to view it? And even more than that, are we faithfully stewarding the time God has given us? Join us as we look at the significance of the time God has given to each one of us.
Driving a car always looking in the rearview mirror will inevitably lead to disaster. While we would never do such a foolish thing on the road, we often do just that in our spiritual journey. Memories of our past sins can weigh us down and immobilize us. Don’t waste time wallowing in your past failures or coasting on past successes. Leave yesterday behind and focus on the goal Christ has set before you. Fix your eyes on the prize that awaits, and run the race with purpose. Is there anything hindering your journey to the finish line? It’s time to break free and press on in the victory of Christ!
Artists possess the extraordinary ability to see beauty and potential where others may see only the ordinary or mundane. They can look at a blank canvas and see a masterpiece; they can envision elegant vases and intricate sculptures in a simple lump of clay. The Bible says God is like a potter and we are like clay. If we are willing to surrender our lives to Him, He will transform us into something far more meaningful than we could ever create on our own. But if we resist Him, we will never become the masterpiece He desires. Just as the clay yields to the Potter’s skillful hands, are you willing to surrender your will and desires, allowing God to craft you into a vessel for His purpose and glory?
So many people go through life without knowing why they’re even here on this earth. No one has ever told them that their life has meaning and that they were born for a purpose. As a result, they merely exist from day to day, wondering when it will all be over, and the consequences of this are devastating! If that describes you in some way, you need to know that before you were even conceived, God knew you intimately. Before you were born, He had a plan for your life. You may not have been planned by your parents, but you were planned by God, and He is waiting to unfold His incredible purpose for your life! Open the Bible and begin seeking Him today. Pray and ask that His plan for you will be revealed. Your life will have more meaning and significance than you’ve ever dreamed!
“It’s not my fault. I had a difficult childhood! If you only knew how hard my life has been, you’d understand why I am the way I am!” Have you ever heard anyone say things like that, or maybe you’ve said similar things yourself? It’s so easy to blame our circumstances or blame other people for our behavior, attitudes, or failures. But here’s an important truth — our environment doesn’t have to determine our destiny! God can free anyone from the chains of their past and give them a future that is filled with promise and purpose! If you are still trapped in an endless cycle of blame, you can be set free today. Don’t let your past keep you from God’s future!
Have you ever been making good time on a trip, but didn’t realize you were on the wrong road? That’s not a big problem when you’re in a car, but if you’re on the wrong road of life it will have eternal consequences. When it comes to life, remember this — what determines your destination tomorrow is the direction you choose to go in today. We’re all on a road to somewhere, and one day that road will come to an end. You will either find yourself exactly where you wanted to end up, or you’ll be somewhere you never intended to go. Your eternal destiny is in the balance. So, where are your choices taking you?
God called Isaiah to spend the rest of his life preaching to a rebellious nation, and was told that no one would listen to his message. That was a difficult assignment! God also calls us to step out and obey Him in various ways throughout our life, and those calls are seldom convenient or easy. Saying yes to God always comes with a cost. It requires laying aside our own desires and plans, and even being willing to suffer and die, if necessary. The call may be hard, but there is no safer, more rewarding place to be than right where God is leading you! Will you be ready to answer God’s calls when they come?
Do you ever wonder why you’re here on this earth; why God is keeping you alive, and whether or not there is really any purpose to it all? Yes, the daily grind of life can sometimes feel like a pointless, monotonous routine, but the fact is, there’s much more to this life—to your life—than meets the eye. Regardless of who you are, where you live, your education, your occupation or your level of influence, you are still living and breathing for one reason: God has an assignment for you! You were saved, not as the final step in your spiritual journey, but as the first step to a mission God has created for you to carry out. Wherever God has placed you, He wants you to be a living testimony for Him right there, touching others with His love and pointing them to Him. The only question is, are you willing to accept your assignment and faithfully carry it out?
One of the most remarkable details about the life of Christ is often overlooked. The Bible tells us that on the same night Jesus was betrayed; on the same night Peter denied Him; on the same night he was falsely accused, beaten and spat upon… he gave thanks. He gave thanks! How was He able to be thankful even when facing the most excruciating trial of His life? It’s because He trusted His Father’s plan completely and He knew with absolute certainty that even when He was being broken, the very trial that was breaking Him had already been blessed by His Father. We are also called to give thanks in all circumstances, but do we have that same level of trust in our heavenly Father’s plan for us?
Burdened by what He witnessed upon His arrival to Jerusalem, Jesus cleared the temple. His zeal for the Father consumed him. Jesus declared that His Father’s house was to be a place of prayer for all nations.
With the many and frequent distractions we face in a world that is raising its fists towards heaven, it is difficult to take time to shut everything down and focus on seeking, prayer and worship. We see that over 650 prayers are recorded in the Bible and 25 of those prayers were by Jesus.
We will look at 4 prayers in the Bible, represented in the Old and New Testament, that all hinge on the declaration, “Your Kingdom Come”. The only way to see God’s Kingdom principles and path forward in our lives, and in our church, is to stop the spin and confusion from the “World’s Kingdom” by being a pillar of prayer.
The glory of God is expressed in the person, character and nature of Jesus Christ. The cross is the ultimate expression of the glory of God on earth with reference to God the Father (His love, grace, mercy) and to Jesus Christ (His humble submission in obedience to the will and predetermined plan of God the Father). The outworking of the glory of God in the cross is salvation and eternal life to lost humanity. When born again believers live out the character of Jesus Christ, believers are glorifying God and reflecting His light. This is only able to be achieved through the ministry of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
Whether we realize it or not, all of us will leave a legacy after we die, and the kind of legacy we leave will be determined by the life we’re living right now. If we remain committed to living for Christ and loving others, then we can pass on a godly legacy to those who come after us. The end of your life does not have to be the end of the impact your life will have. Your faith can go on living long after you’re gone!