Sermons about Life's Purpose

Engage Our Spirit-Giftedness

Date: January 24, 2010 | Speaker:

God never meant for you to be an “ornamental” Christian (remember the plastic couch?) Rather He wants to use you and has called you to a life of serving Him and others. The Scriptures are clear: You are gifted… You are a vital part of the Body of Christ… and You have a work to do in this world. His call to action involves using You to accomplish His purposes in the lives of those both inside and outside the body of Christ.

A Strategic Plan

Date: September 20, 2009 | Speaker:

Most people spend more time planning their vacation than they ever do planning to be used by God. But without a strategic plan, our best intentions will never become reality. So, what is your plan for your life? Your marriage? Your family? Your personal ministry? Do you have one? Plans clarify the vision and get us moving in the right direction. Planning shows faith in the vision God has given us… and God will move mightily through that kind of faith!

Committed to Maturity

Date: July 26, 2009 | Speaker:

No one can go to the gym and get in shape FOR you. If you want to get fit, you have to exercise yourself. The same is true when it comes to your spiritual growth. You will never become spiritually mature simply by listening to the pastor teach every Sunday. If you want to grow in Christ, you MUST pursue God yourself by regularly spending time reading His Word. The reward will be that you will hear God speak directly to you, and you will begin to grow spiritually mature.

Committed to the Mission

Date: July 5, 2009 | Speaker:

Churches everywhere are filled with people who have made a commitment to Jesus… but many of those people have never made a commitment to the “mission” of Jesus. They took a step towards the cross to be saved, but they have never taken the next step to go beyond the cross and live out their lives for the cause of Christ. Today’s messages challenges us to not just make a commitment to Jesus, but to make a commitment to the mission of Jesus as well.

What are You Devoted To?

Date: May 31, 2009 | Speaker:

It’s easy to devote ourselves to something, whether it’s to our marriage, our family, or to the Lord, but then realize over time that our devotion has faded. The believers in Acts 2 not only devoted themselves to the Lord’s work, but they were “continually devoting” themselves to it. What area of your life were you once devoted to, but now you’re miles off course because you have not been “continually devoting” yourself to it?

You are Part of the Mission of Jesus!

Date: May 10, 2009 | Speaker:

An estimated 97% of the entire world has heard of Coca-Cola. That means roughly only 3% of the earth’s population has never heard of Coke. Yet, the sad news is that more than 25% of the people on earth have never heard the name of Jesus. The last words Jesus spoke before He ascended to heaven (Acts 1:8) were for His followers to go and spread the Good News about Him to the ends of the earth. There is still a great harvest to bring in. Are we doing our part?

Getting a Broken Heart for a Cause

Date: March 1, 2009 | Speaker:

A destructive trend has been taking place in the church over the years. Rather than remaining focused on its mission in the world, the church has become almost totally preoccupied with itself, and now resembles a clubhouse more than a lighthouse. What would happen if the church in America once again got a broken heart for those outside its own walls? What would God do?

If You Only Knew

Date: November 30, 2008 | Speaker:

Paul closes Ephesians chapter 3 with some of the most powerful words ever written. He prays that we will all come to know two critical things: 1) How much God loves us, and 2) How much God wants to do through us. If we only knew those two things and lived like they were true, what a difference it would make in our lives!

God’s Wisdom for Everyday Life

Date: June 29, 2008 | Speaker:

If you knew there was a book that contained eternal wisdom for every area of your life; a book that would help you make wise decisions in your family, your finances, your job, your relationships… would you read it? God has given us that book. It is called Proverbs, and if we study it, God’s wisdom and character will flow through our lives, affecting the day-to-day decisions that we make.

Seeing With God’s Vision

Date: June 1, 2008 | Speaker:

Our purpose on this earth is not just to step into God’s mission for a few weeks or a few months, but to finish the mission by reaching the destination God has for us. Will we get distracted by the mirages along the way like the Israelites in the wilderness, or will we see past them with God’s vision and fulfill our purpose on this earth?

When God Messes Up Your Plans

Date: May 25, 2008 | Speaker:

The only way to follow God into the life’s purpose that He has for each of us is to let go of things that are holding us back. We must completely surrender to God and be willing to let Him mess up our plans. But none of us are good at surrendering. We all want to have things our own way. Yet the Bible makes it unmistakably clear that as followers of Christ, we must be willing to yield our plans to His plans and follow wherever He leads.