Sermons about Prayer

Preparing for Your Moment of Opportunity

Date: October 6, 2024 | Speaker:

Have you ever felt so burdened by a cause that it weighed heavily on your heart, almost overwhelming you? You’ve prayed, waited, and wondered if God would ever respond—but no answer seems to come. Don’t lose heart. Sometimes, your lowest point may be the beginning of your calling! One day that door will open, and you’ll have the chance to step out in bold faith. Are you preparing now so you’ll be ready to make the right decision when that time comes? Though the challenge ahead may seem daunting, it could be the very thing God uses to display His glory in and through you.

Inviting God into Our Broken Places

Date: September 22, 2024 | Speaker:

Are there broken places in your life that need repair—neglected relationships, a faith that’s withering, or cracks in your character? It’s tempting to ignore these areas, hoping they’ll heal on their own, but this only gives the enemy room to creep in. It’s time to take an honest look at the damage and bring it before God. He is the master rebuilder, eager to restore and strengthen you, transforming your life into a dwelling place for His glory. Will you invite Him into your ruins today?

The Good Hand of God Upon Us

Date: September 8, 2024 | Speaker:

As you endeavor to solve problems, accomplish tasks and pursue your goals, remember that your success doesn’t depend upon your own strength or wisdom alone. It rests in the powerful, guiding hand of God. Do you ever pause to recognize how God is working in your life—opening doors, orchestrating circumstances, and meeting your needs? Yes, your planning and effort are important, but it’s God who leads, sustains, and empowers you to do anything of lasting value. In your journey of faith, pause often to thank God for His good and faithful hand upon you, acknowledging that without Him, none of it would be possible.

From Prayer to Action: The Path of Obedience

Date: August 4, 2024 | Speaker:

At times, we all face challenges so immense that they drive us to our knees. Seeking the Lord in prayer is always the best place to begin, but prayer without action is not obedience. Once we have committed the situation to God, we must then step out in faith and obey what He has called us to do. This step of obedience often leads us into the unknown, and that’s when we must remain keenly attuned to His still, small voice guiding us along the way. Whether you’re in a season of waiting, stepping out, or listening for God’s direction, trust Him with the outcome, knowing that He is orchestrating every detail for His glory and your good.

Preparing Today for Tomorrow’s Trials

Date: December 3, 2023 | Speaker:

What godly character traits and spiritual disciplines are you ‌building into your life today ‌that will enable you to ‌withstand the fiercest storms and finish strong for God? Unwavering resolve is not a result of spontaneous courage but a day-by-day commitment to walk in righteousness and integrity. Pay close attention to your daily choices, because that’s where character is formed. As you devote yourself to prayer, cultivate integrity, and foster discipline, you are laying the groundwork for a faith that refuses to bow in the face of temptations and trials. Start this transformative process today, because tomorrow’s trials are unpredictable, but your commitment to godly living can be unwavering if you have laid the right foundation.

How to Stand When the Enemy Attacks

Date: March 5, 2023 | Speaker:

Did you ever obey God and do the right thing, ‌but the results didn’t turn out like you thought they would, ‌so you started to wonder if ‌doing the right thing was really the right thing to do? It is a mistake to think that if you faithfully live for God, your life will be trouble free as a result. The truth is, when we do choose to live for Him, the forces of hell will be unleashed against us. So what do you do when those attacks come? How do you stand strong when your life seems to be crumbling around you? Today’s message will help you know exactly how to face the enemy, and it will encourage you to press on in this battle we all fight every day.

Pillars of Prayer

Date: September 4, 2022 | Speaker:

Burdened by what He witnessed upon His arrival to Jerusalem, Jesus cleared the temple. His zeal for the Father consumed him. Jesus declared that His Father’s house was to be a place of prayer for all nations.

With the many and frequent distractions we face in a world that is raising its fists towards heaven, it is difficult to take time to shut everything down and focus on seeking, prayer and worship. We see that over 650 prayers are recorded in the Bible and 25 of those prayers were by Jesus.

We will look at 4 prayers in the Bible, represented in the Old and New Testament, that all hinge on the declaration, “Your Kingdom Come”. The only way to see God’s Kingdom principles and path forward in our lives, and in our church, is to stop the spin and confusion from the “World’s Kingdom” by being a pillar of prayer.

The Destructive Consequences of Our Sin

Date: August 7, 2022 | Speaker:

One little bug can’t harm a whole crop, but a swarm of locusts can devour and destroy an entire countryside in just minutes! We may not think that our “little” sins will ever harm anyone else, but the ripple effects might actually be felt for generations to come. The book of Joel describes a time when God’s people and their land suffered complete devastation as a result of their sin, and there was only one way to fix it. God called them to be genuinely brokenhearted, to repent of their sin, and to return to Him. If they did this, He promised to restore what they had lost and pour out His blessings upon them once again. If you are away from God right now and suffering the consequences of your sin, you don’t have to stay there! Return to Him today and receive the forgiveness and blessing He longs to give you.

Opening Our Eyes to the Spiritual Realm

Date: October 10, 2021 | Speaker:

It is possible to have 20/20 vision but still be completely blind! If we only perceive life through our physical senses, we’ll be dangerously unaware of the spiritual realm that exists all around us. This will make us vulnerable to the enemy and cause us to live in fear when we face overwhelming battles. Being aware of God’s presence all around us brings an entirely new perspective to everything. It reminds us that, as God’s children, we are never alone. We are never outnumbered. We are never at the mercy of the enemy. Are your spiritual eyes open?

God is Not Your Good Luck Charm

Date: January 24, 2021 | Speaker:

A spare tire. An insurance policy. A fire extinguisher. These are things we keep around somewhere in case of an emergency. Usually they’re out of sight gathering dust because we never think about them until something goes wrong. Sadly, some people treat God this way. They have no time for Him, but the minute trouble comes, they run and grab God like He’s some kind of good luck charm, begging Him to fix their problems. If this has been your view of God, there is a much better relationship he desires to have with you!

From Barrenness to Blessedness

Date: January 10, 2021 | Speaker:

There are times in life when God allows us to go through seasons of barrenness. We feel emptied of the joy and hope we once knew. God uses these trials to test us and grow our faith, and if we will allow the hardships to make us better instead of bitter, God will bring us through to a place of blessedness once again, where we are much stronger than we were before.

An Invitation into the Forbidden Zone

Date: April 26, 2020 | Speaker:

There was a time when no one could even imagine the idea of entering into the presence of God. His holiness and power caused people to tremble in fear. But when Christ died on the cross as the final sacrifice for our sin, the way into God’s presence was opened up for anyone to approach Him through prayer. Are we making the most of this incredible invitation to come near to God?