Sermons about Prayer

Upheld by the Providence of God

Date: October 20, 2019 | Speaker:

Are there situations in your life right now that have brought you so much pain or fear or discouragement that you are beginning to doubt God’s love and faithfulness? Do your prayers sometimes feel like they are falling on deaf ears? No matter how long you may have to wait for an answer, you can be absolutely certain of this: God’s providence is at work behind the scenes, orchestrating all things for His ultimate glory, and you can trust Him through it all.

A Double-Minded Man

Date: July 28, 2019 | Speaker:

Have you ever wondered what this expression really means? Some Bible translations give a hint of the meaning behind “double-minded”, but they can still leave a lot to the reader to figure out. Listen and be encouraged as we explore the origins of this expression, and what the author was really saying when he used it in his letter.

Communing with God

Date: November 25, 2018 | Speaker:

Often we read how we are to behave and what we are to do as followers of Christ. How do we find the power and inspiration to do it and continue when it gets difficult? The key is keeping in constant contact with the Father. It’s by communing (praying) and reading His Word.

Waiting on the Lord: A Mother’s Story

Date: May 13, 2018 | Speaker:

Hannah was barren for many years until God heard her cry out to Him. He answered her prayers, and Hannah gave birth to one of the greatest prophets Israel ever had. Like Hannah, we should pray without ceasing with confidence that He will hear our prayers.

What Happens When the Church Prays?

Date: March 18, 2018 | Speaker:

Prayer… Christians talk about it, preach about it and write books about it, but how much time do we actually spend praying? We have so many resources at our disposal that prayer has become a last resort. The early church prayed like their lives depended on it, and as a result, God moved in powerful ways! The church today has lots of activity, but very little power, and we will never have that power until we get back on our knees.

Are You Winning the Spiritual Battle?

Date: March 11, 2018 | Speaker:

Whether we ever think about it or not, there is a fierce spiritual battle being waged against us, and if we do not fight this war with the tools God has given us, we will give in to temptation and become victims of Satan’s attacks. Our enemy is powerful, and we cannot possibly stand against him in our own strength. But although he is strong, our heavenly Father is stronger, and we must look to Him for protection and victory. So, are you winning or losing this battle?

Whose Kingdom Are You Building?

Date: February 4, 2018 | Speaker:

We’ve all heard the phrase “Your kingdom come” since we were little kids, and it might mean nothing more to us than just words in a prayer. But it is much more than words. It is a life to be lived. How do people see and experience God’s Kingdom? They do so through us. When we live each day surrendered to the rule and reign of God as our King, others will be touched by His truth and love, and the kingdom will continue to expand.

Do You Know Who You’re Talking To?

Date: January 28, 2018 | Speaker:

How do you come to God in prayer? Do you see Him as a distant being who probably has little or no personal interest in you, or perhaps as a stern boss you are reluctant to approach? The opening line of the Lord’s Prayer teaches us the correct view we must have of God. He is our loving Father, but He is also the holy God of heaven, and in that, we find both the comfort and the confidence we need to pray.

Are We Praying?

Date: September 25, 2016 | Speaker:

What is the greatest resource the church has? Is it gifted preachers? Entertaining programs? Abundant finances? Best-selling books? No, it is none of those things. When the early church was facing threats from the powerful Jewish leaders and the mighty Roman empire, they used the only resource they had — prayer, and that one resource alone was more powerful than every tool the church uses today!

Encounters With Jesus Testimonies

Date: August 28, 2016 | Speaker:

We close this series by hearing testimonies from people in our church family who have encountered Jesus in various struggles and trials. It is encouraging to see how Jesus is still touching lives and setting people free!

Influential Mothers

Date: May 8, 2016 | Speaker:

Throughout history, God has used certain individuals in powerful ways for the furtherance of his Kingdom. In this message, we review the stories of 5 men and how the Lord used the influence of their mothers to shape them in their ministries.

What If We Understood the Power of Prayer?

Date: September 27, 2015 | Speaker:

Throughout history, the great moves of God have always been preceded by earnest prayer. Immediately after the early church had spent ten days in prayer, they shook Jerusalem to its knees. D.L. Moody said that behind every move of God you will always find some kneeling form. Could it be that the reason we’re not seeing that kind of power in our churches in America today is because we’re not praying? What might God do through us if we understood the power of prayer?