Sermons about Pride

The Religious Man Who Went to Hell

Date: July 3, 2016 | Speaker:

“I’m not a bad person.” This is the response many people give when asked why God should allow them into heaven. But believing that we are good enough for heaven will actually send us to hell! No amount of religion or good deeds can ever save us. This only happens when we see our sin and admit our need for a Savior. So, are you good or are you saved?

Where is Your Love Taking You?

Date: February 28, 2016 | Speaker:

John says we have to make a choice: either we can love the world or we can love God, but it is impossible to love both. We cannot love the sinful ways of the world and have God’s love in us at the same time. It’s one or the other. He also warns that our lives will end very differently based on what we choose to love. So where is your love taking you? Are you living for the here and now, or are you living for eternity?

The Christmas Attitude

Date: December 15, 2013 | Speaker:

Christmas, as a season, is full of many emotions and attitudes. It is the one time of year when it is acceptable to talk about Jesus. Knowing the reality of the circumstances surrounding Christmas, we also find that the truth cannot be silenced. It is far too easy to be caught up in the commercialism, materialism and worldliness that is so evident this time of year; either being swept away in its current or being embittered towards it. Which attitude do you currently own?

Defining Good

Date: October 13, 2013 | Speaker:

The Lord is good. He is the measure, the standard, the definition of “good”. Our faith must be grounded in Him, not in the world around us. Because He is good, we can know that everything he says or does is completely good; He would never do something contrary to himself. When it comes to our life of faith, do we believe that he is good even if our circumstances seem to indicate otherwise?

Losing My Religion

Date: September 26, 2010 | Speaker:

Jesus reserved His harshest words–not for those who were down and out and lost in their sin–but for those who claimed to be the most religious. Why? Because religion puffs us up and blinds us to our need of a Savior. It causes us to focus on external modification instead of heart transformation. We all have religious rules that we still struggle with which keep our hearts unchanged. What areas might God want you to lay aside in order to live out a fully surrendered relationship with Him?