Sermons about Surrender

When God Intersects Your Path

Date: March 3, 2013 | Speaker:

We all spend the first part of our life trying to build our own empire—getting the right education, finding the best career that will pay us the most money, buying a nice house, marrying the person of our dreams. But at some point, crisis slams into our life, and we begin questioning everything we’re living for. It is at this stage that we become most receptive to God’s voice. Unfortunately, many of us spend far too long in the first stage, ignoring the calls of God, and continuing to ask God to bless our plans instead of getting on board with His plans. But God created us for something bigger than building our own empire. He created us to build His kingdom! What stage of life are you in?

Laying Everything On The Line

Date: February 17, 2013 | Speaker:

Have you ever laid everything on the line for something? The truth is, we all take risks in life in many different ways — going from being single to being married, deciding to have children, stepping out to pursue our dream career. But have you ever risked everything for Jesus? Have you ever intentionally laid down your entire life to live His life instead? Yes, you may have trusted Jesus with your soul… but have you ever trusted Him with your life? He said if we’re not willing to do that, we will get to the end and realize we lost everything. But if we give up our life for His, we will discover what life is really all about!

Following Jesus, No Strings Attached

Date: February 10, 2013 | Speaker:

Today’s advertising experts would have to admit that Jesus had the worst marketing campaign in history! Instead of advertising all the good things up front and putting the bad things in fine print, He came right out and said that if anyone wanted to follow Him, they first had to deny themselves, take up a cross, abandon every other allegiance in life, give up everything they had, and follow Him, possibly even to the death. He made it painfully clear that no one could be His disciple if they were still holding onto anything that came before Him. And still today, He requires that we follow Him, no strings attached!

Who is Really in Charge of Your Life?

Date: February 3, 2013 | Speaker:

We’ve all seen funny or embarrassing things happen at weddings, but just imagine how stunned you would be to hear a bride standing at the altar refusing to forsake all others and give herself to her husband alone! Yet we think nothing of entering into a relationship with Jesus that very same way. Some people say, “I want to go to heaven when I die, but I don’t want Jesus ruling over my life!” The fact is, Jesus doesn’t give us that option! He demands exclusive ownership of every area of our lives. You may have received Jesus as Savior, but have you ever invited Him to be the Lord and Master of your life?

One Question You Never Want to Hear

Date: January 27, 2013 | Speaker:

Imagine if Jesus called you and said He wanted to come by your house that evening to speak with you for a few minutes. As you excitedly invited Him into your living room, He took a seat right beside you, then turned to you and took your hand in His. Then He looked into your eyes with incredible love, and said very gently but with great concern, “Why do you call me Lord, and do not do what I say?” Can you imagine how your heart would sink? What does making Him Lord really mean, and how can we make sure we never have to hear that question?

Whatever He Says to You, Do It!

Date: January 20, 2013 | Speaker:

The last time we ever hear Mary the mother of Jesus speak is when she points people to Jesus and says, “Whatever He says to you, do it!” After this, we never hear her speak another word in the Bible. What a powerful final statement to leave with the world, and it is still the greatest advice for anyone who will listen. If we ever hope to become bold followers of Jesus, we must make these words our life’s anthem, and be willing to do whatever Jesus tells us to do.

Surrendering Your Future to God’s Will

Date: January 6, 2013 | Speaker:

The night before Jesus went to the cross, He agonized over that step of obedience so deeply that the Bible says His soul was overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death! He asked His Father if there was any other way, but He concluded that prayer by saying, “…not my will, but Thy will be done.” Jesus was willing to surrender His future to God because he trusted His Father completely. He let go of everything that might have held Him back from total obedience. What about you? Is there anything holding you back from fully surrendering your future to God’s will?

Living With Purpose Right Where You Are

Date: November 18, 2012 | Speaker:

It’s an awesome thing to see God moving through you to touch the lives of others, and the best part is, you don’t have to earn a special degree, write a best-selling book, or become a great speaker… God wants to use you right where you are with what He has already given you! Did you know that whatever you do for a living, you are just as ordained by God as the pastor who stands in the pulpit every week? It’s true! Today we look at three simple steps you can take to allow God to start using your life in powerful, eternally significant ways right where you are. We encourage you to follow these steps of obedience and watch what God will do through you to impact the lives of others with His love, His light and His hope!

God Chose You for His Team!

Date: November 11, 2012 | Speaker:

Remember being on the playground at school when the kids would choose teams for kickball? Did you ever have the awful experience of being the last one chosen, or maybe not being chosen at all? Sadly, many people go through their entire life feeling that God would never want them on His team because they see themselves as having no value at all. If you feel weak, ashamed, broken, overlooked or useless in life, you need to know that God sees great value in you! In fact, you are exactly the person He is looking for to show His greatness through. Listen and be encouraged by today’s message!

Crossing Our Jordan Rivers – Part 2

Date: March 18, 2012 | Speaker:

It’s one thing to read books about faith and hear stories about other people’s faith, but it’s another thing entirely when God calls us to step out on faith! The fact is, we can’t live on someone else’s faith. There comes a time in each of our lives when we must decide to either step out into an impossible situation and trust God completely, or turn and go the other way. Are you content to live your entire life just hearing stories about great faith, or are you determined to step out for God and have stories of your own to share with your grandchildren? God is looking for people to step out and trust Him wherever He leads. Will you be one of those people?

Crossing Our Jordan Rivers – Part 1

Date: March 11, 2012 | Speaker:

God’s paths seldom make sense. Often in life God leads us straight into what looks like an impossible situation where even our best resources are not enough to get us through. This is how the Israelites felt when God led them to the banks of the Jordan River at flood stage and commanded them to step out into the water and go across! These moments are not obstacles, but opportunities to see God’s power displayed! Are we willing to trust God to make a way where there is no way?

Living Life for the Sake of Others

Date: February 5, 2012 | Speaker:

In a world filled with non-stop advertising telling us how to improve OUR finances, OUR career, OUR possessions, OUR lifestyle, etc., it requires constant diligence to remind ourselves that as followers of Christ, this life is NOT about us! The truth is, the more we gather for ourselves, the more enslaved we become. Real life and freedom can only be found when we give our lives away. So how do we rise above this temptation to live for ourselves and answer the call of Christ to live for the sake of others?