Sermons about Thankfulness

The Transforming Power of Thankfulness

Date: December 1, 2024 | Speaker:

What if the very thing you’re holding onto—your fear, your pain, your sense of lack—is the one thing keeping you from God’s best? You may be quick to thank God for your blessings, but what about your battles? Jesus gave thanks for a handful of loaves and fish before they became a feast. He gave thanks the night He was betrayed, knowing agony lay ahead. Gratitude, even for the hard things, doesn’t deny the difficulty; it declares God’s power over it. It loosens the grip of anxiety, frees you from despair, and opens the door for God to transform you in ways beyond your imagination. Will you dare to trust Him and give thanks, even in the midst of your struggles?

The Good Hand of God Upon Us

Date: September 8, 2024 | Speaker:

As you endeavor to solve problems, accomplish tasks and pursue your goals, remember that your success doesn’t depend upon your own strength or wisdom alone. It rests in the powerful, guiding hand of God. Do you ever pause to recognize how God is working in your life—opening doors, orchestrating circumstances, and meeting your needs? Yes, your planning and effort are important, but it’s God who leads, sustains, and empowers you to do anything of lasting value. In your journey of faith, pause often to thank God for His good and faithful hand upon you, acknowledging that without Him, none of it would be possible.

Giving Thanks When Life Is Hard

Date: November 26, 2023 | Speaker:

Ever find it challenging to muster gratitude when life throws you curveballs? The Bible tells us to give thanks in all circumstances, but the only way that’s possible is when we realize that thankfulness is a choice, not a mood or a feeling. This isn’t about denying hardships; it’s about embracing a perspective that transcends them. You can discover the power of cultivating a heart of gratitude, not just when life is smooth sailing, but especially when the storm clouds gather. Learn how giving thanks, even when it seems counterintuitive, can anchor your faith and redirect your focus from the struggles to the sovereignty of a loving God.

You may find this sermon on a similar topic helpful: “Broken But Blessed”

Desperate for Jesus

Date: November 27, 2022 | Speaker:

In our culture of platform building and rising celebrity status, we forget that Jesus values the least. He places honor on the poor, the broken, the messy, and the marginalized. Lepers in Jesus’ day were outcasts of society. They had absolutely no status and were looked down on as untouchables. Yet, when Jesus encountered 10 lepers pleading for help, He treasured each one of them, heard their cries, and healed them. All of us can identify with those lepers more than we may realize. Our lives have been eaten away by sin and we desperately need Jesus to cleanse us. Are you desperate enough to call out to Him for help and receive the healing He offers?

Remembering What God Has Done for You

Date: November 28, 2021 | Speaker:

In the rush of life it’s easy to get distracted and lose sight of what’s most important. The Bible tells us again and again to set time aside to remember all that God has done for us. If you’re feeling far away from God or wondering if He still cares about you, the best thing you can do is to stop and recall how his mercy and grace have changed your life. Why not pause right now and give Him the thanks He deserves.

You may find this sermon on a similar topic helpful: “Being Thankful in All Circumstances”

The Bread that Satisfies Forever

Date: March 15, 2020 | Speaker:

Have you ever gone for a week or more completely forgetting to eat? Probably not. Our bodies crave nutrients and they tell us immediately when we need more. But consider how easy it is to go for days, weeks, or even months without ever eating spiritual food! Is your soul starving right now; feeling empty and aching for something this world cannot provide? Christ invites you to come and feast on the Bread of Life so that you will never be hungry again!

What More Does God Have to Do?

Date: January 19, 2020 | Speaker:

“If God would just show me a miracle, then I’d believe!” So many people throughout the years have said these very words, but history has proven that even if God did show them a miracle, they probably still wouldn’t believe in Him. Have you ever demanded that God do something to prove His love for you? Do you find it harder to trust God and praise Him when life is difficult than when life is easy? If so, you may be basing your devotion to Him on your circumstances rather than simply on who He is. God has already shown us more than enough to know that He is good and that we can trust Him. Are you still asking for more?

It’s Time to Stop and Build an Altar

Date: March 31, 2019 | Speaker:

The first thing Noah and his family did when the flood ended was to build an altar and give thanks to God for delivering them. Altars were piles of rocks that also served as reminders of God’s faithfulness to future generations. When is the last time you stopped and “built an altar” in some way to give God thanks for His goodness to you, or to serve as a memorial to your family of God’s faithfulness? Why not make time to do it this week. You’ll be amazed at the impact it will have on your life and on the lives of those around you!

Giving Thanks for God’s Goodness

Date: November 26, 2017 | Speaker:

We use the word “good” to describe all kinds of things from food, to events, even the weather. It has become such an overused and common word that when the Bible describes God as being good, it doesn’t really impact us. Yet if we stop to truly consider all the ways God’s goodness has transformed our lives, we will be overwhelmed with thankfulness for who He is and for all He has done for us!

Remembering God’s Deliverance

Date: November 5, 2017 | Speaker:

We humans are very good at forgetting things, and the more time that passes, the easier it is for old memories to fade away. This is why God told His people constantly to stop and remember what He had done for them, and to pass those memories on to future generations. When is the last time you intentionally stopped to remember and celebrate something good God had done for you or your family? Why not do it today?

Responding to God’s Blessings

Date: November 13, 2016 | Speaker:

There’s no denying it — God has blessed us beyond belief! We have received so much from His hands. But why? Why has He blessed us and what are we supposed to do with those blessings? Are we supposed to keep them all for ourselves, or does God have a bigger purpose in mind? Once we learn this important principle, we will discover the real definition of what it means to be blessed.

Remembering God’s Blessings

Date: November 6, 2016 | Speaker:

Humans are forgetful by nature. We forget where we put our car keys, we forget birthdays, appointments, people’s names… but far too often we also forget God’s blessings to us. We either complain about what we don’t have or we become complacent with what we do have. The Bible instructs us to always remember God’s blessings and goodness to us, and to give Him thanks, regardless of our circumstances. How often do you remember?