Sermons about Unity

Broken but Blessed

Date: October 2, 2022 | Speaker:

One of the most remarkable details about the life of Christ is often overlooked. The Bible tells us that on the same night Jesus was betrayed; on the same night Peter denied Him; on the same night he was falsely accused, beaten and spat upon… he gave thanks. He gave thanks! How was He able to be thankful even when facing the most excruciating trial of His life? It’s because He trusted His Father’s plan completely and He knew with absolute certainty that even when He was being broken, the very trial that was breaking Him had already been blessed by His Father. We are also called to give thanks in all circumstances, but do we have that same level of trust in our heavenly Father’s plan for us?

The Danger of Holding Grudges

Date: August 21, 2022 | Speaker:

Everyone has stories of a relative who got offended about something at Thanksgiving dinner 40 years ago, and they still won’t speak to the family today! Holding grudges is like cancer. It spreads and kills if left untreated; but worst of all, it withholds the forgiveness from others that God has already shown to you. If someone has hurt you and you’re finding it hard to forgive them, come and hear what God’s Word says about it. You’ll gain the insight and encouragement you need to free the other person from the clutches of resentment, and you will free yourself at the same time!

Colossians – Part 9

Date: April 3, 2022 | Speaker:

Paul’s letter to the believers in Colossae is packed full of encouragement for them, warnings about false teachings, and instructions on relating to one another. Join us as we step through this powerful letter and apply the truths found here to our own lives, church, and relationships.

Remembering What God Has Done for You

Date: November 28, 2021 | Speaker:

In the rush of life it’s easy to get distracted and lose sight of what’s most important. The Bible tells us again and again to set time aside to remember all that God has done for us. If you’re feeling far away from God or wondering if He still cares about you, the best thing you can do is to stop and recall how his mercy and grace have changed your life. Why not pause right now and give Him the thanks He deserves.

Raise Up Spiritually Passionate Followers of Christ

Date: June 27, 2021 | Speaker:

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought challenges for churches around the world, and we have certainly felt the effects of it here at LifePoint. Despite the challenges, God has been stirring our hearts. We have a sense that God is preparing us (along with all of His true followers) for even greater effectiveness in the months and years ahead. This has brought with it a sharpening of our focus and purpose as a church. This message is not only for LifePoint Church, but for all who are ready to put their hands to the plow and never look back.

Restoring Your Broken Fellowship with God

Date: March 8, 2020 | Speaker:

How would you react if you went in for major surgery and the doctor came into the operating room with filthy hands and rusty instruments? Just the thought of it is unsettling! While cleanliness is important in the physical realm, it is far more important in the spiritual realm. Even though we are already completely righteous through Christ, sin still hinders our daily walk, and it breaks our fellowship with God. Thankfully He has provided a way for us to be cleansed and to restore our communion with Him. Are you using this simple tool He has given us to constantly maintain your fellowship with God?

Biblical Unity

Date: June 9, 2019 | Speaker:

Divisions, arguing and fighting have not only destroyed families, but churches, and even entire governments. The Bible says, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” As the Body of Christ, we have been called to function together in oneness of mind and spirit, united by His Word. We must lay our own desires aside and put Christ above all, using our different spiritual gifts to make the Body whole and healthy.

The Body of Christ

Date: March 25, 2018 | Speaker:

It’s easy to forget the context in which the New Testament writers, and Jesus himself, taught us about taking part in the Lord’s Supper. In examining the context more closely, it becomes clear what Jesus was communicating to His followers. Listen as we take a closer look at the heart of what Jesus was passing on to us to not only remember through our knowing, but to also remember through our doing.

A Love That Changes Everything

Date: May 14, 2017 | Speaker:

It is human nature to strike back when someone hurts us, but Christ calls us as His followers to respond with love and blessing instead. This kind of love startles people; it pierces them and affects them deeply because it allows them to experience a first-hand encounter with Christ. But responding this way not only blesses others, it also brings promised blessings to us! Is your life showing this kind of love?

Prince of Peace

Date: January 1, 2017 | Speaker:

Look at the news headlines any day of the week and you’ll see a world filled with terrorism, war, hatred, violence and fear. Yet sometimes the worst kind of turmoil and unrest can be found in our own lives! We say we’re saved, but we have no peace in our heart. Isaiah promised that Christ would be our Prince of Peace. Do you truly have His peace today?

Are We Devoted?

Date: September 11, 2016 | Speaker:

Ask people to describe their church and see how many different answers you get. “We have a beautiful building… we have awesome programs… it’s a lot of fun!” But when we look at the very first thing the Bible says about the church, we see a totally different description. They were people who were devoted to the right things. So the question is, are we also devoted to the right things?