Sermons about Unity

Live Connected

Date: January 17, 2010 | Speaker:

We have all seen news stories of someone who went hiking alone and got stranded, or even died, and we wonder why anyone would do something so foolish. Yet we often do something just as dangerous when we attempt to live the Christian life alone. God created us for relationships, and it is vital that we “live connected” not only with other believers, but with those who do not know Jesus, so that they can see the Gospel on display in us. Are you living the Christian life alone? God wants you to live connected!

Can Love Really Last Forever?

Date: November 22, 2009 | Speaker:

Someone once said, “Falling in love requires a pulse… staying in love requires a plan.” With roughly 50 percent of all marriages ending in divorce, it is clear that “falling in love” is not enough to keep two people together forever. Do you have a plan to make sure your marriage ends up in the “right” 50 percent? We close this series with 3 key principles for a long, healthy, God-honoring marriage. In which of these areas are you currently doing well? Which do you and your spouse need to work on?

What Husbands Wish Their Wives Knew

Date: November 8, 2009 | Speaker:

Ladies, do you know the 3 most devastating things you can do to your husband to tear him down and destroy his sense of manhood? Are you currently doing any of these things to him? If you begin working on these 3 areas, you will be absolutely amazed to see him become the husband you’ve always dreamed of, and he will gladly go to the ends of the earth for you!

What Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew

Date: November 1, 2009 | Speaker:

Men and women are different in so many ways, and because of these differences, problems and misunderstandings often arise between a husband and wife. 1 Peter 3:7 commands husbands to understand their wives by learning how she needs to be loved. If men would only take the time to love their wives like Christ loved the church, they would be amazed at the woman who emerges!

Committed to Community

Date: July 12, 2009 | Speaker:

When humans are placed in solitary confinement for long periods of time, they often begin to lose their mind, because we were created for relationships. In our fast-paced world, “community” is almost a lost art. But if we are ever going to be a church on fire, we must be committed to community, as the early church was. Unless our lives are closely intertwined with the lives of other believers, we will never be all that God intends for us to be.

You Are Children of God. Walk Like It!

Date: January 11, 2009 | Speaker:

Just before Princess Margaret walked to the microphone to make her first speech as a young girl, her mother, Queen Elizabeth, leaned over and said, “You are a princess. Walk like one!” In Eph. 4:1, the apostle Paul issues a similar challenge to us as believers. He urges us to live up to the high calling we have received in Christ. Are you walking in a manner worthy of the King you represent?

Break Down Your Dividing Walls!

Date: November 9, 2008 | Speaker:

A dividing wall existed in the Temple in Jerusalem to keep the Gentiles out. Signs were posted warning them of the death penalty if they entered into the worship area. When Jesus died, He destroyed all dividing walls and allowed everyone to enter in by faith. And while churches today do not have literal dividing walls and warning signs, many “walls” still exist to keep certain people out. Are there any dividing walls you need to break down?