Sermons about Value

Undeniable Design: The Fingerprints of Jesus

Date: January 26, 2025 | Speaker:

When you pause to consider the intricate complexity of creation, you’re faced with the reality that every detail, no matter how small, gives evidence of a Designer. From the mathematical precision of the galaxies to the astonishing arrangement of human DNA, creation reveals something far greater than random chance—an intentional, loving intelligence that crafted every molecule with purpose. Yet, the most awe-inspiring truth of all is this: the Creator who spoke stars into existence and orchestrated the dance of electrons stepped into human history, took on flesh, and willingly died for your sins so that you could be forgiven and have eternal life. This revelation doesn’t just shift our perspective; it redefines the very purpose of our existence, anchoring our lives in a hope that stretches far beyond the limits of this world.

Overcoming Spiritual Complacency

Date: May 12, 2024 | Speaker:

One of the great dangers of the Christian life is not that we will suddenly decide to hate God, but rather, that we will slowly grow cold towards Him as time goes by. The cares and pursuits of this world can diminish our passion for God little by little until it is nothing more than a dying ember. Perhaps you’ve unintentionally drifted from your first love and now your life feels empty and aimless. Ask the Spirit of God to stir the fire in you and make the Lord your greatest treasure once again. When you value Him above all else, your heart and priorities will naturally follow, leading you back to the only source of true fulfillment, and giving your life the meaning and direction you long for!

The Way to True Greatness

Date: October 8, 2023 | Speaker:

To one degree or another, we all strive to be ‌the uncontested ruler of our own world. We are constantly told to get ahead and acquire as much as we can along the way. But building our own empire and seeking personal acclaim will ultimately lead us to a life of emptiness. Everything we have selfishly accumulated or achieved will one day slip through our fingers like sand. Instead, let us focus on building God’s kingdom, where we find genuine fulfillment, purpose, and lasting significance. It is in surrendering to His divine plan and inviting Him to rule over us that we discover the path to true greatness and a legacy that endures beyond our own lifetime.

Are You Yielding to the Potter’s Hands?

Date: September 3, 2023 | Speaker:

Artists possess the extraordinary ability to see beauty and potential where others may see only the ordinary or mundane. They can look at a blank canvas and see a masterpiece; they can envision elegant vases and intricate sculptures in a simple lump of clay. The Bible says God is like a potter and we are like clay. If we are willing to surrender our lives to Him, He will transform us into something far more meaningful than we could ever create on our own. But if we resist Him, we will never become the masterpiece He desires. Just as the clay yields to the Potter’s skillful hands, are you willing to surrender your will and desires, allowing God to craft you into a vessel for His purpose and glory?

Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places

Date: July 2, 2023 | Speaker:

God created us in His image to have fellowship with Him forever, and to seek Him alone for joy, meaning, and fulfillment. When we disconnect ourselves from Him, we begin an endless search for other things that we hope will satisfy us. These may include money, lust, power, career, relationships, acceptance, and addictions. Those things may satisfy us for a while, but they always leave us empty and thirsty, forcing us to start the search all over again. Have you been looking for life, love, and satisfaction in anything or anyone other than God, yet you’re still exhausted and empty? You need to reconnect your heart to the only true Source of life and living water. When you drink from the water He offers, you will never thirst again!

Live Like Your Life Matters!

Date: June 18, 2023 | Speaker:

So many people go through life without knowing why they’re even here on this earth. No one has ever told them that their life has meaning and that they were born for a purpose. As a result, they merely exist from day to day, wondering when it will all be over, and the consequences of this are devastating! If that describes you in some way, you need to know that before you were even conceived, God knew you intimately. Before you were born, He had a plan for your life. You may not have been planned by your parents, but you were planned by God, and He is waiting to unfold His incredible purpose for your life! Open the Bible and begin seeking Him today. Pray and ask that His plan for you will be revealed. Your life will have more meaning and significance than you’ve ever dreamed!

The Problem with Religion

Date: October 16, 2022 | Speaker:

We attend church faithfully every Sunday. We sing the songs, we serve in various ministries and we give our tithe. As far as we’re concerned, those things prove that we’re a “good Christian.” But the Bible says we can do all those things and more, and not be godly at all. That’s the problem with religion. It fools us into believing that as long as we’re checking things off our spiritual todo list, we must be right with God. The only true and accurate assessment of our spiritual condition is when God measures us against His perfect holiness. That’s when we suddenly recognize our true condition and our desperate need to be found in the righteousness of Christ! So, what benchmark are you using to determine your standing before God?

The Love of a Lifetime

Date: May 30, 2021 | Speaker:

Whether they admit it or not, every person ever born wants to be loved. We long to know what it’s like to be completely accepted and treasured by someone, regardless of our flaws and failures. Sadly, that kind of perfect love cannot be found in this world. There’s only one place that perfect, unfailing love can be found, and it’s waiting for you right now. Do you know where to find it?

Discovering Your God-Given Identity

Date: November 17, 2019 | Speaker:

Have you ever really asked “Who am I?” In Christ Jesus you are loved, forgiven, chosen, a new creation, not condemned, more than a conqueror, God’s workmanship, a work in progress, provided for, and victorious. You are who God says you are and you are unique, a friend of God who created you for a purpose and in Christ you have an identity.

What Would You Not Give Up for God?

Date: July 14, 2019 | Speaker:

When we give clothing, furniture or other items to charities, we typically give things that are old and worn; items that have lost their value to us. But what if a charity asked people to give their most valuable possession in the world? They probably wouldn’t receive a single donation. Today we look into an event where God asked Abraham to sacrifice the most beloved treasure he had. Abraham’s response is both shocking and inspiring, and it raises the question, “What would you not give up if God asked you for it?”

Where Are Your Choices Taking You?

Date: June 2, 2019 | Speaker:

It’s funny to watch two children staring at the last slice of pizza or the last piece of birthday cake, trying to decide who will get it. Even as adults, we find ourselves racing other people to the closest parking space, or arranging the details of a business deal to make sure we get better returns than anyone else. When we let our desires lead us instead of asking God for direction, we will never end up where He wants us to be. So, what is driving your choices in life right now?

Abandoning Our Towers of Significance

Date: April 7, 2019 | Speaker:

Every person ever born spends some portion of their life searching for significance, status, peace, identity, belonging, and a long list of things that they know are missing from deep within them. Sadly, we often try to build those things into our life through career advancement, relationships, pleasure, prominence and possessions, only to realize later that all the towers of significance we have constructed are empty. But there is one place where all of these things can be found in abundance, and you can discover that place today!