Sermons from Exodus

Giving Ourselves Completely to God

Giving Our Talents to God

Date: February 1, 2015 | Speaker:

Have you ever said, “If I had a chance to live my life over, I’d live it so much better!” But why is it that we don’t go ahead and make those changes now with the one life we do have? The Bible tells us how to invest our life wisely so we don’t reach the end and realize we wasted it. Jesus has entrusted each of us with different “talents” and one day He will return to see how we invested them. Will we hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” or will He rebuke us for the way we managed what He gave us?


Credit Check (Silencing the Lies)

Date: November 16, 2014 | Speaker:

None of us would put much value on a single sheet of paper. And yet a piece of paper once sold for almost $750,000… not because of the paper, but because of whose name was on it. It was a letter signed by Abraham Lincoln. The same is true with us. We ourselves are worthless jars of clay, but because Christ has put His name on us, we now have incalculable value! We have value, not because of who we are, but because of whose we are. It’s time to stop basing our worth on our own identity, and start discovering the real value we have been given in Christ!

What is True Worship?

Date: February 2, 2014 | Speaker:

Idolatry is essentially falling down before someone or something other than God. Pride is knowing God, and refusing to fall down before Him. True Worship begins with both knowing God, and falling down before him. In knowing Him, we begin to understand how valuable He is. It must be significant to true worship then, how valuable God is to us.

Who is the God you know?

Date: September 29, 2013 | Speaker:

White light, shone through a glass prism, reveals all of the colors. Pure white light contains all of the colors; you do not have pure white light if you remove one of the colors or if they are out of balance. God’s attributes are like the colors in the color spectrum. If the God you know only consists of some of his attributes, do you really know who He is. You cannot accurately understand pure white light if you are missing certain colors, and you cannot accurately understand who God is, if you are missing certain attributes. If you do not know the God of “White Light”, do you actually know God … what’s stopping you?

Don’t Just Make a Living. Make a Life!

Date: March 10, 2013 | Speaker:

God has a specific purpose for every one of us to play in His redemptive mission on this earth. He has a “life purpose” for us that is bigger than our “life provision.” The trouble is, we spend most of our life pursuing our provision instead of pursuing our purpose. Our life provision is how we make a living… our life purpose is how we make a life! Once you begin to discover your life purpose, you will discover a life of real meaning and joy far beyond the daily 8-5 grind, and you will then be able to live with confidence, knowing exactly what your role is in God’s great plan!

When God Intersects Your Path

Date: March 3, 2013 | Speaker:

We all spend the first part of our life trying to build our own empire—getting the right education, finding the best career that will pay us the most money, buying a nice house, marrying the person of our dreams. But at some point, crisis slams into our life, and we begin questioning everything we’re living for. It is at this stage that we become most receptive to God’s voice. Unfortunately, many of us spend far too long in the first stage, ignoring the calls of God, and continuing to ask God to bless our plans instead of getting on board with His plans. But God created us for something bigger than building our own empire. He created us to build His kingdom! What stage of life are you in?

Coming to Grips with the Real You

Date: October 17, 2010 | Speaker:

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Be honest. The truth is, most people–even Christians–don’t like what they see. They are haunted by past failures or present weaknesses, and often see themselves as useless in God’s eyes. Moses had such a low view of himself that he almost missed God’s greatest mission for his life, because when we fail to see ourselves as God sees us, we will fail to fulfill the purpose for which we were created. Don’t let a wrong view of yourself cause you to miss God’s mission for you!

Seeing With God’s Vision

Date: June 1, 2008 | Speaker:

Our purpose on this earth is not just to step into God’s mission for a few weeks or a few months, but to finish the mission by reaching the destination God has for us. Will we get distracted by the mirages along the way like the Israelites in the wilderness, or will we see past them with God’s vision and fulfill our purpose on this earth?


Date: April 20, 2008 | Speaker:

As LifePoint begins to take our first step towards world missions, there are three key words that will define our entire focus… PRAY, GIVE, GO! We must always remember that the starting point is prayer. Today’s message is a reminder to everyone of the incredible power that comes through prayer, and a challenge for us all to begin this journey on our knees.