Sermons from Exodus

The Absence of the Presence of God

Date: February 9, 2020 | Speaker:

Imagine how amazing it must have been for the Israelites in the wilderness to know that the very presence of God lived just on the other side of the curtains of the Tabernacle. God, in all His power and glory, was… right there! But in time, they began to take God’s presence for granted, and their hearts turned away to idols. As a result, they lost His presence! Did you know that God still longs to dwell with us today, but He will not do so if we have any other “gods” before Him. Are we actively cultivating our hearts to be a pure, holy, welcoming place for God’s presence to dwell?

You’ll Never Be Good Enough!

Date: February 2, 2020 | Speaker:

Ask a hundred people to tell you who in this world will make it into heaven, and most of them will say, “The ones who are good, who don’t get drunk or do drugs or lie or cheat or steal, the ones who go to church, the ones who keep the Ten Commandments…” In other words, they’re saying if you perform good enough, God might let you in. But, in fact, the Bible says we can never be good enough to get into heaven. Well, that leaves us in a pretty bad spot! So what are we to do? If no one can be good enough to get into heaven, then how do we get there? Listen to today’s message for a look at the Ten Commandments that may surprise you.

The Road to Sinai

Date: January 26, 2020 | Speaker:

It took only days to get Israel out of Egypt but it took years to get Egypt out of Israel. This study reviews the beginning of Israel’s wilderness wanderings from the crossing of the Red sea to their arrival at Mt Sinai. It explores new evidence found in the last few decades that suggests we may be wrong about the traditional location of the mountain where God gave the 10 commandments.

What More Does God Have to Do?

Date: January 19, 2020 | Speaker:

“If God would just show me a miracle, then I’d believe!” So many people throughout the years have said these very words, but history has proven that even if God did show them a miracle, they probably still wouldn’t believe in Him. Have you ever demanded that God do something to prove His love for you? Do you find it harder to trust God and praise Him when life is difficult than when life is easy? If so, you may be basing your devotion to Him on your circumstances rather than simply on who He is. God has already shown us more than enough to know that He is good and that we can trust Him. Are you still asking for more?

When God Seems to Lead the Wrong Way

Date: January 12, 2020 | Speaker:

So, there you are, faithfully following God, when all of a sudden you find yourself right in the middle of another trial! Have you ever wondered why God leads you into so many tests of faith? Today we find the Israelites trapped between an approaching Egyptian army on one side and the Red Sea on the other. Why did God lead them there? Does He not care about them at all? Even though there was an easier route, God brought them to this crisis in order to show His power. Could it be that the situation you are wishing would disappear right now is the very thing God wants to use to show His power and strengthen your faith?

Why Blood Was Required to Forgive Sins

Date: November 10, 2019 | Speaker:

Are you going to heaven when you die? How do you know that for sure? Do you think it’s because you’ve been a good person, or given money to the church, or because your parents were Christians? The truth is, none of those things will get you to heaven. There is only one way, and that is through the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ who gave His life as the required payment for sin. God’s judgement for sin is coming, and the only way you will be saved from that judgement is if you have applied the blood to your life.

Who Am I God, and Who Are You?

Date: November 3, 2019 | Speaker:

Any life that is going to be used by God must be humbled and broken first. This is God’s process of showing us who He really is, and who we really are by comparison. But we fight against this process because we don’t want to be humbled; we don’t want to be broken. And so we continue trying to live in our own strength, by our own resources, and in doing so, we miss out on what God wants to do through us. Are you still resisting this work of God in your life?

Your Worst Can Become God’s Best

Date: October 27, 2019 | Speaker:

Anyone watching Moses during the middle years of his life would have concluded that he would never amount to anything. He was a murderer and a fugitive who ended up living in a desert. Surely he had completely ruined his chances of ever being useful to God. Yet, behind the scenes, God was using all these things to prepare Moses for one of the most important assignments in the Bible. Are there failures, fears or disappointments in your life holding you back? Those may be the very things God uses for your greatest service to Him in the days to come!

Upheld by the Providence of God

Date: October 20, 2019 | Speaker:

Are there situations in your life right now that have brought you so much pain or fear or discouragement that you are beginning to doubt God’s love and faithfulness? Do your prayers sometimes feel like they are falling on deaf ears? No matter how long you may have to wait for an answer, you can be absolutely certain of this: God’s providence is at work behind the scenes, orchestrating all things for His ultimate glory, and you can trust Him through it all.

The Gracious Wounds of God

Date: September 22, 2019 | Speaker:

At times in life we tend to go our own way instead of walking with God. In fact, sometimes we don’t just walk away from Him, we actually run! But if we truly belong to Him, He will not let us run forever. Often He will have to break us, wound us, in order to keep us from going astray and forgetting our dependence upon Him. These wounds might be painful, but they are really the marks of grace. They are proof that He knows us and loves us enough to keep us close to His side.

The Truth Will Set You Free

Our Faithful God of Covenants

Date: April 22, 2018 | Speaker:

If we want to really know God, then we must gain a better understanding of “covenant”. When God establishes a binding relationship to His people, He does it through offering a covenant with them. Listen as we begin to unpack the meaning of covenant and take a closer look at God’s covenants with His people.

The Religious Man Who Went to Hell

Date: July 3, 2016 | Speaker:

“I’m not a bad person.” This is the response many people give when asked why God should allow them into heaven. But believing that we are good enough for heaven will actually send us to hell! No amount of religion or good deeds can ever save us. This only happens when we see our sin and admit our need for a Savior. So, are you good or are you saved?