Sermons from John

Escaping the Trap of Empty Religion

Date: June 9, 2024 | Speaker:

Have you ever found yourself going through the motions of Christianity without truly engaging your heart? Our relationship with God can easily turn into empty routines and religious rituals, so we must guard against this subtle danger. God desires our spiritual service to flow from a vibrant relationship with Him, not from forced habits or the need to keep up appearances. When the world sees God’s truth, mercy, and love radiating through us, they will be drawn to Him. Take a moment today to reflect on why you do what you do for God. Make sure you can honestly say, “Lord, I’m doing it all for you!”

Divine Delays: When Prayers Seem Unanswered

Date: March 31, 2024 | Speaker:

Martha has just endured the heartbreaking loss of her brother, and now, disappointment is mingled with grief because Jesus didn’t respond to her plea for help in time. Yet, in the depths of her despair, a glimmer of hope persists as she turns to Jesus with her burden. Her unwavering faith amidst sorrow serves as a powerful challenge for us all—to lean on Jesus in our darkest hours. Witnessing Jesus’ transformative power, Martha’s “what now?” becomes an “even now” moment, displaying His sovereignty even in life’s chaos. If you’re grappling with unanswered prayers, take heart and continue to trust in Him. His timing is perfect, no matter what trials you are facing.

Going Public with Your Faith

Date: October 15, 2023 | Speaker:

Join us for our baptism service where we witnessed the beautiful act of faith as 12 people publicly declared their devotion to Christ through the waters of baptism. It was a day of celebration and obedience to the Lord’s command as these believers made their faith known to the world, and it was a reminder to each of us that our faith isn’t meant to be private, but a shining light for everyone to see. May their commitment inspire us all to live out our faith boldly and without reservation as we follow Christ each day.

Unwavering Joy in Uncertain Times

Date: August 20, 2023 | Speaker:

It is all too easy to derive our joy and contentment from our circumstances, our possessions, or our relationships, but that path eventually leads to disappointment. True contentment and unwavering confidence can never be found in the ever-changing situations of life, but rather by placing our trust in God alone. When we ground our faith in His character and faithful care, our peace and joy remain unshaken, even in the midst of adversity, pain, or loss. Are you still looking to the fleeting things of this world for security, or have you put your trust fully in God’s promises?

Where is God When You Need Him?

Date: August 6, 2023 | Speaker:

You have probably experienced times when God seems silent or absent like He is no longer aware of your struggles. When uncertainty clouds your vision, and you question whether God is at work, be comforted by the truth that His hand is always active, shaping circumstances in ways you may not perceive. Just as the sun continues to shine behind the clouds, so does God’s providence persist even when we are surrounded by shadows. Rejoice in knowing that He can use any means necessary to fulfill His purpose, and when all is said and done, you will be amazed to see just how near He was to you the entire time, even when you didn’t know He was there!

The Mirage of Earthly Hope

Date: July 23, 2023 | Speaker:

What are you depending on to keep you firmly anchored when the storms of life begin to blow? Your 401k? Your good health? A secure job? Friends or family? While those things may offer peace of mind today, there’s no guarantee any of them will be here tomorrow. In a society driven by the pursuit of possessions, wealth, and pleasure, it is vital to recognize the profound importance of placing your trust and hope in something greater than the transient offerings of this world. There’s only one place to find that unfailing security and eternal peace, and you can find it today!

Your Last Chance to be Saved

Date: July 16, 2023 | Speaker:

On May 18, 1980, the volcano inside Mount St. Helens erupted. For two months, authorities had warned everyone in the vicinity to evacuate, and everyone did, except for one man. Harry Rainel Truman refused to leave his small cottage at the base of the mountain, and on that fateful day, he was buried beneath 150 feet of debris. He heard the repeated warnings, but he chose to ignore them. Many people are just like Truman. They hear God’s invitation to be saved before judgment comes, but they refuse to listen. Tragically, a day is coming when they will hear that warning for the final time, and then the door of opportunity will close forever. Today, while you hear God’s voice, respond to Him before it’s too late!

The Danger of Cold Christianity

Date: June 25, 2023 | Speaker:

If you have surrendered your life to Christ and you faithfully live for Him, then the idea of ever forsaking Him is absolutely unthinkable to you! But don’t get too comfortable. It’s entirely possible to forsake the Lord even while still believing in Him, attending church, and having all the outward appearances of a devoted Christian. We can obey Him out of cold, rigid obedience, and yet have hearts that are miles away from Him. We can say we love Him, but not have an active, vibrant relationship with Him. So, what about you? Have you lost the passion you once had for the Lord? Come back to Him today. He longs to restore the closeness you once enjoyed!

What Kind of Love is This?

Date: May 14, 2023 | Speaker:

Imagine seeing a job listing for someone willing to always be the lowest employee in the company; to be hated and ignored by everyone; to be lied about and ridiculed, and to eventually be fired for the wrongs that others had done. Who in their right mind would apply for that job? The amazing thing is, when Jesus came to earth, He willingly accepted a role far worse than that! He left heaven and submitted himself to the cruel hands of men; was hated and rejected by the very people He came to save; suffered indescribable anguish and physical abuse at their hands, and was finally nailed to a cross for the sins they had committed. What kind of love would cause Him to do all that? It’s the greatest love the world has ever known, and He did it all for you!

God’s Sustaining Power

Date: February 5, 2023 | Speaker:

Living in this world can be difficult. Jesus even warns us of the trouble and sorrow we will have. He also describes the way to His Kingdom as a hard way and few will choose to travel it. But for those who do choose to follow Christ in this way, God promises them a power to sustain them. He is able to keep those who are in covenant with Him, and He will be faithful to do it to the very end. Join us as we look at the wonderful promise of God’s sustaining power.

Saying Yes to a Costly Call

Date: January 22, 2023 | Speaker:

God called Isaiah to spend the rest of his life preaching to a rebellious nation, and was told that no one would listen to his message. That was a difficult assignment! God also calls us to step out and obey Him in various ways throughout our life, and those calls are seldom convenient or easy. Saying yes to God always comes with a cost. It requires laying aside our own desires and plans, and even being willing to suffer and die, if necessary. The call may be hard, but there is no safer, more rewarding place to be than right where God is leading you! Will you be ready to answer God’s calls when they come?

The Comfort of the Incarnation

Date: December 18, 2022 | Speaker:

The good news of Christmas is for those who are tired of seeing sin and bad news everywhere, especially in themselves. It’s easy to become weighed down and discouraged by the constant battles of this life, but having the assurance that—because Christ came the first time, He is most certainly coming again—fills us with comfort and hope. We can look beyond the unrest that we see around us and that we sometimes see within us, and we can be comforted by the guaranteed promise of His return and the eternal life that awaits all those who have trusted in Him as their Savior! Do you have this comfort today?