Sermons from John

Surrendering the Throne of Your Heart

Date: August 8, 2021 | Speaker:

Could you honestly say that you have given God full reign in every area of your heart? Is there anything that you have been trying to keep disguised and hidden from His control? The fact is, we cannot ultimately keep anything from Him because His Word will always come to pass, regardless of our attempts to limit Him in certain areas. Why not surrender everything to Him today and learn that you can trust Him with your life!

The Grace of Jesus in Our Moments of Doubt

Date: April 4, 2021 | Speaker:

The events of this past year have filled the hearts of many people around the world with fear. Some Christians feel ashamed that their faith has wavered during these difficult times. But in the Bible we see another group of people who were wrestling with doubts and fear, and we see the extraordinary grace that Jesus extended to them. If you’re struggling today, you need to come and receive the grace that Jesus longs to give to you.

The Believer’s Position in the Grace of God

Date: January 3, 2021 | Speaker:

How many good works does it take to earn salvation? How clean do you have to make yourself before God will accept you? The fact is, salvation cannot be earned. Salvation is a gift from God, given out of His great love, mercy and grace to all who believe. It is only through faith in Christ Jesus that we can be transformed from death to life, from darkness to light, from hopelessness to having the unshakable certainty of eternity in heaven! Have you ever trusted in Christ to save you, or are you still trying to earn it?

Christmas: The Wonder of WHY

Date: December 20, 2020 | Speaker:

For many people, Christmas is just another holiday. It has no more significance to them than New Year’s Day or Valentine’s Day. But the fact is, Christ’s coming into the world has eternal consequences for every one of us. Our sin had forever cut us off from God and put us under His wrath, and we had no way of rescuing ourselves. Christ came to save us from our sin and free us from the judgment of God, and that’s why we celebrate Christmas.

Christmas: The Wonder of WHO

Date: December 6, 2020 | Speaker:

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the rush of the Christmas season. We get caught up in shopping and decorating and cooking, and if we’re not careful, the true meaning of Christmas will get lost in it all. That’s why we must always stay focused on that baby in the manger and remind ourselves just who He is. Everything that matters in life emanates from Him, for He truly is God with us!

The Choice of a Lifetime

Date: August 2, 2020 | Speaker:

During our lifetime we make thousands of choices. Some choices, like which shirt to wear, have little or no significance; while other choices, like who to marry, will affect the rest of our lives. But the Bible says there is one choice every person on earth has to make, and the result will either bring you life or death. The decision seems simple, but many people choose wrong every day. How will you answer this choice of a lifetime?

Our Refuge from the Storms of Life

Date: July 26, 2020 | Speaker:

If you’ve ever been caught in a blinding rain storm while driving, the first thing you want to do is find shelter. Mountain climbers trapped by blizzards stand very little chance of surviving in sub-zero temperatures unless they can locate a place of safety and warmth. But where do you go when the storms of life overtake you? Do you have a place of refuge you can run to where you will always find strength and hope?

Destroying the Idols in Your Heart

Date: July 5, 2020 | Speaker:

When God sent His people into the Promised Land, the first thing they had to do was to locate and completely destroy every place of idol worship. God knows that any temptation we leave intact in our life will entice us away from pure worship to Him. Are there any “idols” that you have set up in your heart that are disrupting your true worship of God?

The Cure for the Curse of Sin

Date: May 24, 2020 | Speaker:

Every religion around the world has a list of different things a person has to do in order to get to heaven. Some have to pray a certain number of times every day, others have to chant mantras, while others have to perform a lifetime of good works. And yet, none of those things can make us right with God. There is only one way to know for sure that our sins are forgiven and that we will spend eternity in heaven. Are you sure you’ve received the right cure for sin?

Are You in the Light?

Date: April 19, 2020 | Speaker:

Most of us would not feel comfortable being dropped in the middle of a forest at night with no flashlight. There is nothing fun about being lost in the dark! But this is even more true spiritually speaking. The Bible says we are either walking in darkness or we are walking in the light. Where are you?

The Bread that Satisfies Forever

Date: March 15, 2020 | Speaker:

Have you ever gone for a week or more completely forgetting to eat? Probably not. Our bodies crave nutrients and they tell us immediately when we need more. But consider how easy it is to go for days, weeks, or even months without ever eating spiritual food! Is your soul starving right now; feeling empty and aching for something this world cannot provide? Christ invites you to come and feast on the Bread of Life so that you will never be hungry again!

But Take Heart

Date: February 16, 2020 | Speaker:

Life in this world can be difficult. Jesus knew this better than anyone, and he did not try to paint an unrealistic picture for His followers. But He also puts these difficulties in proper perspective. When trials and sorrows come our way, we should remember what He says! Listen and be encouraged by the hope Jesus brings to those who remain in Him.