Sermons from Matthew

You Can’t Live on Borrowed Faith

Date: October 24, 2021 | Speaker:

The statistics are daunting. More and more young people raised in Christian homes abandon the faith when they leave for college. Growing up, they quoted Bible verses, worshiped every Sunday, and knew all the right things to say. So what went wrong? It’s because they’ve been living on a borrowed faith instead of making it their own. They had religion, but they never had a relationship with Christ. What about you? Is your faith your faith, or is it a borrowed faith?

Opening Our Eyes to the Spiritual Realm

Date: October 10, 2021 | Speaker:

It is possible to have 20/20 vision but still be completely blind! If we only perceive life through our physical senses, we’ll be dangerously unaware of the spiritual realm that exists all around us. This will make us vulnerable to the enemy and cause us to live in fear when we face overwhelming battles. Being aware of God’s presence all around us brings an entirely new perspective to everything. It reminds us that, as God’s children, we are never alone. We are never outnumbered. We are never at the mercy of the enemy. Are your spiritual eyes open?

Courageous Faith

Date: September 5, 2021 | Speaker:

The Centurion courageously and desperately sought after the only One who could change his servant’s situation. In the process, the Centurion displayed amazing faith in what Jesus could do and ultimately saw Jesus bring glory to God by healing his servant. Even though we may not always see the rewards of our faith on this earth like the Centurion did, we can trust that God is working in all our situations to bring glory and honor to Him. Are you desiring to bring God glory by desperately seeking and trusting Him with the situations in your life?

Turning Our Hearts Back to God

Date: July 18, 2021 | Speaker:

We were created to worship God and bring Him glory. However, sometimes we lose sight of that and choose instead to put other things in the place of the love, devotion and worship that belong to Him alone. When that happens we are, in a very real sense, worshiping other gods on the altar of our heart. God will use any means necessary to destroy those idols and turn our hearts back to Him. Are there any areas of your heart that need to be given back completely to God?

Raise Up Spiritually Passionate Followers of Christ

Date: June 27, 2021 | Speaker:

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought challenges for churches around the world, and we have certainly felt the effects of it here at LifePoint. Despite the challenges, God has been stirring our hearts. We have a sense that God is preparing us (along with all of His true followers) for even greater effectiveness in the months and years ahead. This has brought with it a sharpening of our focus and purpose as a church. This message is not only for LifePoint Church, but for all who are ready to put their hands to the plow and never look back.

Having a Strong Faith in Weak Times

Date: June 13, 2021 | Speaker:

American Christians have had it easy for a very long time. It really hasn’t cost current generations anything to follow Christ. That’s a blessing, but it has sadly created a sense of apathy and entitlement in the church, causing Christians to always want the easiest, most convenient path. That kind of faith will never withstand the tests that are most certainly coming for the church! We must begin right now to put our own desires aside and make certain that we are rooted deeply in Christ, and that we are living wholly for His mission.

Learning to See How God Sees

Date: February 14, 2021 | Speaker:

Have you ever met someone for the first time and then discovered later that you had unfairly misjudged them based solely on what you saw? We tend to judge people by what we see on the outside, but God warns us that this is wrong. What matters most to God is on the inside, because who we really are flows out of the condition of our heart. So, are we more concerned with how we look on the outside than how we look on the inside?

Christmas: The Wonder of WHY

Date: December 20, 2020 | Speaker:

For many people, Christmas is just another holiday. It has no more significance to them than New Year’s Day or Valentine’s Day. But the fact is, Christ’s coming into the world has eternal consequences for every one of us. Our sin had forever cut us off from God and put us under His wrath, and we had no way of rescuing ourselves. Christ came to save us from our sin and free us from the judgment of God, and that’s why we celebrate Christmas.

Christmas: The Wonder of WHO

Date: December 6, 2020 | Speaker:

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the rush of the Christmas season. We get caught up in shopping and decorating and cooking, and if we’re not careful, the true meaning of Christmas will get lost in it all. That’s why we must always stay focused on that baby in the manger and remind ourselves just who He is. Everything that matters in life emanates from Him, for He truly is God with us!

The Call to Discipleship

Date: October 25, 2020 | Speaker:

When Jesus calls us to follow Him and become His disciple, He requires nothing less than a total commitment. He said that everyone who would follow Him must deny themselves, take up their cross and follow Him. We cannot negotiate the terms of this call. We must be willing to sign a blank contract and let Him fill in the terms later. Are you following Jesus with this kind of total commitment, or are you still holding some areas of your life back from Him?

Don’t Let Your Sin Keep You From God

Date: September 6, 2020 | Speaker:

If you’ve ever thought that God would never accept you because you have sinned too much, then you are believing a lie. Your sin, no matter how awful it may be, is no match for the blood of Christ! Today’s message shows us how a woman named Rahab, who was looked down on by everyone because of her sin, found forgiveness, salvation and hope because she believed by faith. Don’t let your sin keep you from God!

Following God in Days of Uncertainty

Date: August 30, 2020 | Speaker:

What do you do when some traumatic event has left you shaken, broken, and filled with worry? What do you do when the future looks so overwhelming that fear paralyzes you from moving forward? The same help that God gave to Joshua is available to you right now. Yes, you can continue following God, even in days of uncertainty!