Sermons from Matthew

How Christmas Changes Your Present

Date: December 10, 2017 | Speaker:

Does the birth of Jesus actually make any difference in our lives today, right here and now in our present circumstances? Yes, it does! When Jesus came into the world, He was “God with us”, and because God is with us, every moment of our lives is radically different. Because of His abiding presence, we can face the confusing, troubling situations of life without fear, knowing that He will never leave us or forsake us.

How Christmas Changes Your Past

Date: December 3, 2017 | Speaker:

Matthew begins his gospel by listing the genealogy of Jesus, and he includes people in that list who did some very evil things. Why would Matthew want to highlight the dirt instead of sweeping it under the rug? Because he wanted us to know that the forgiveness Christ came to bring is available to everyone, regardless of their past. Have you ever brought your past to Jesus, or are you still carrying it all by yourself?

Prince of Peace

Date: January 1, 2017 | Speaker:

Look at the news headlines any day of the week and you’ll see a world filled with terrorism, war, hatred, violence and fear. Yet sometimes the worst kind of turmoil and unrest can be found in our own lives! We say we’re saved, but we have no peace in our heart. Isaiah promised that Christ would be our Prince of Peace. Do you truly have His peace today?

Responding to God’s Blessings

Date: November 13, 2016 | Speaker:

There’s no denying it — God has blessed us beyond belief! We have received so much from His hands. But why? Why has He blessed us and what are we supposed to do with those blessings? Are we supposed to keep them all for ourselves, or does God have a bigger purpose in mind? Once we learn this important principle, we will discover the real definition of what it means to be blessed.

Are We Broken?

Date: October 16, 2016 | Speaker:

It is far too easy for us as Christians to be so occupied with Christian activities and to surround ourselves with other Christians that we actually forget about the lost people all around us. But if we are living like Christ, we will not only be a friend of sinners like He was, but we will have a broken heart for the lost like He did. What is it that breaks our heart? Is it ever broken for the lost?

Dying to Encounter Jesus

Date: August 14, 2016 | Speaker:

Two criminals were crucified beside Jesus; one on His right and one on His left. One of them cursed Jesus and was plunged into hell, but the other one cried out for mercy and was given eternal life in heaven. All of mankind is pictured in those two criminals. We will all die on one side of Jesus or the other; either rejecting Him or receiving Him. Which one are you? Are you ready to face eternity?

Starts With Brokenness

Date: June 5, 2016 | Speaker:

The first marriage we see appearing on the pages of scripture is that of Adam and Eve. Why does God give careful attention to how Eve came from Adam? And what is God telling us about marriage through the beginning of Adam and Eve’s relationship?

Remember Those Who Haven’t Heard

Date: May 29, 2016 | Speaker:

An estimated 97% of the world’s population has heard of Coca-Cola, yet more than 25% have never heard of Jesus. As we celebrate the fact that we have been privileged to hear the good news of the Gospel, may we remember all those outside our walls who have never heard, and may we long to share the good news with them so that they too may know.

Can I Know God Without Knowing Jesus?

Date: April 24, 2016 | Speaker:

The most outrageous claim the Bible makes is that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. What an offensive, closed-minded thing to say! But what if it’s true, and what evidence can you examine to know for sure? Today we explore this claim to find out if believing in Jesus really matters.

Where is Your Love Taking You?

Date: February 28, 2016 | Speaker:

John says we have to make a choice: either we can love the world or we can love God, but it is impossible to love both. We cannot love the sinful ways of the world and have God’s love in us at the same time. It’s one or the other. He also warns that our lives will end very differently based on what we choose to love. So where is your love taking you? Are you living for the here and now, or are you living for eternity?

The Need for Authentic Christianity

Date: January 17, 2016 | Speaker:

The early church faced persecution from its inception, but after a few decades, a new enemy appeared that was even more deadly. False teachers arose from within their own ranks and began to destroy the church from the inside. John wrote this letter to give clear ways to distinguish false doctrine from authentic Christianity. Does your life show evidence of these marks of a genuine believer?

The Response to Christmas

Date: December 27, 2015 | Speaker:

When Jesus was born 2,000 years ago, people reacted in very different ways to Him. Some were threatened by Him, like King Herod. Others, like Simeon, welcomed His arrival. And Jesus still evokes the same two responses today. People either reject Him or receive Him, and which one you choose will make all the difference in your life. How have you responded to Jesus?