Sermons from Matthew

The Rewards of Giving

Date: November 15, 2015 | Speaker:

There are many preachers who say that if you send money to their ministry, God will give you ten times more money in return because He wants you to be rich. But is that really true? The Bible does say that we will be rewarded and blessed for giving joyfully to God, but what exactly are those rewards, and is there anything that will prevent us from receiving them?

The Standard of Giving

Date: November 1, 2015 | Speaker:

The Bible clearly commands us to be generous, joyful givers of all that God has given to us, but exactly how much are we supposed to give? In the Old Testament, God demanded a 10% tithe, but is that still true for us as New Testament Christians? What really is the standard of giving for us as followers of Christ, and is it actually possible to become a joyful giver rather than a disgruntled one? Everyone has their opinion on this matter, but find out what the Bible really says!

Why Does Baptism Matter?

Date: August 23, 2015 | Speaker:

There has been a lot of misunderstanding and false teaching about baptism over the years; so who is baptism for, and what does baptism really do? Does baptism save us or add something to our salvation, and if not, then why do we need to be baptized at all? In today’s message we share scriptural insight on the real meaning and purpose of baptism and why it is such a beautiful act of our obedience to Christ.

In Keeping With Repentance

Date: August 16, 2015 | Speaker:

When John the Baptist appeared on the scene of history, the people of Jerusalem, Judea and all the area surrounding the Jordan came to see him. When they came it seems that they had some knowledge of what baptism was, so what did baptism look like to someone living in the first century?

Don’t Waste God’s Investment in You

Date: August 9, 2015 | Speaker:

If a wealthy businessman entrusted his entire company to you while he was away on a yearlong journey, but you failed to follow any of his instructions and you bankrupted the corporation, you could not act surprised if he became angry with you. When we are entrusted with something, it carries with it an expectation. Our Lord has entrusted us with His message, and one day He will return to settle accounts. Are we putting what He has given us to good use?

Launching Into the Great Commission

Date: June 28, 2015 | Speaker:

When a teaching series comes to an end, it’s easy to move on with life and never actually put what we’ve heard into action. Today we conclude our Saved & Sent series by hearing testimonies of what God is doing in different people, and we commit as a church to launch into the Great Commission like never before. What will you do with the things you’ve heard in this series? Will you file them away and forget them, or will you commit to putting them into action for the glory of God?

Are You a Friend of Sinners?

Date: May 31, 2015 | Speaker:

Jesus has been given many wonderful titles that display His power and majesty, but the title that shows His deep love for mankind most clearly is: Jesus, Friend of Sinners. During His ministry, He was sharply criticized for spending time with notoriously sinful men and women. But Jesus reminded His critics that those very people were the ones He came into the world to save. Now that we have been sent to carry on His mission, could it be said of us that we, too, are a friend of sinners?

Obedience: Evidence of Love

Date: May 24, 2015 | Speaker:

Obedience to God is evidence of our Love for Him. If we do not spend much time with Jesus, our relationship with him will be weak; our trust will be shallow; our love will not be easy; and our obedience will be limited. We will not entrust ourselves to a stranger, and the same is true in our relationship with Christ.

Called to Make a Difference

Date: May 17, 2015 | Speaker:

Since we have been called to penetrate our culture and make an impact for Christ, there must be something about us that gives us the ability to actually make a difference. One of the things Jesus compared us to is salt, but how can salt make any difference in the world? Join us as we explore the amazing properties of salt and discover how we have been called to exhibit those same life-changing qualities to impact the world around us.

What You Do for Christ Matters!

Date: May 10, 2015 | Speaker:

When we consider what part we are supposed to play in the Great Commission, it can be difficult to know where to begin. The vastness of the mission compared to our limited resources and abilities can leave us feeling overwhelmed and immobilized. But God never asks us to do more than we can. All He asks is that we do what we can and allow Him to take our little and use it for something great. Be encouraged to know that however small your role may seem, what you do for Christ matters!

Go! But Before You Go… Wait!

Date: May 3, 2015 | Speaker:

Jesus sent His followers on an urgent mission to take the gospel to the entire world. But before they were allowed to go, He told them to wait. Wait for what? If the mission was so important, what could possibly be more important than going? During the next ten days in the upper room, they discovered the power of prayer that would transform their lives and propel them into this mission with a supernatural boldness not their own. Have we discovered that same power?

Why Aren’t We Excited About Jesus?

Date: April 26, 2015 | Speaker:

Why do Christians have no trouble talking with great excitement about sports, movies, vacations, sales at the mall… but those same people never talk about Jesus? Lots of excuses can be given, but it’s time to stop pretending and admit that we are just not excited enough about Jesus to share Him with anyone. The church doesn’t have a missions problem, it has a heart problem, and until we get serious and ask God to break our hearts, we will never fulfill our part in the Great Commission.