Sermons from Matthew

Carrying Out an Impossible Mission

Date: April 19, 2015 | Speaker:

When you consider the odds that were stacked against the mission of the early church, it is literally nothing short of miraculous that it ever succeeded at all. Jesus sent a handful of trembling followers into a hostile world to proclaim an unbelievable story to people who hated them. On their own, these weak, broken followers had no chance whatsoever of accomplishing this task. How, then, were they able to carry out this mission with such astonishing power, and what must we learn from them?

The Heartbeat of God

Date: April 12, 2015 | Speaker:

As the church today, we have become professionals at gathering. We spend millions on massive buildings, hi-tech sound and video productions, even pyrotechnics in some cases! We have become experts at putting on performances that rival Disney and Hollywood, all in an effort to meet the ever-growing demands of our members so they’ll be happy and keep coming back. In so doing, we have completely missed the heartbeat of God and have entertained ourselves into irrelevance.

Jesus Our Substitute

Date: April 5, 2015 | Speaker:

Who could ever imagine sending an innocent person to be beaten and put to death in the place of a violent murderer? Nothing about that would be fair! Yet that is exactly what Jesus did. He died on the cross even though He was innocent, and Barabbas was set free even though he was guilty. Barabbas is a picture of us all — guilty before God and facing His judgement. But Jesus stepped in and became our substitute, paying our debt and setting us free!

The Danger of Dead Religion

Date: March 29, 2015 | Speaker:

Jesus enters Jerusalem a few days before His crucifixion and examines the spiritual condition of the people. What He finds is a nation bustling with outward displays of religious activity, but beneath the surface, there is nothing but dead religion. He curses a fruitless fig tree as a sign of judgement against them, and then He throws the corrupt money changers out of the Temple for defiling His Father’s house. If Jesus were to examine our lives today, would He see a cold, dead heart beneath the outward religious appearance, or would He find fruit growing for His glory?

Communion with Christ and His Body

Date: March 8, 2015 | Speaker:

What is a communion service? Is it just a public acknowledgment that Jesus died on the cross for our sins? What exactly is my part in the whole thing? Am I just a participant in the event or is there more to it than that?

To Believe or Not to Believe: The Sin of Unbelief

Date: March 1, 2015 | Speaker:

One way to help us understand biblical belief is to consider what it is not. Jesus was amazed at the unbelief of those in His hometown. Surely powerful miracles would cause people to recognize Jesus’ authority as the Son of God; well that’s how we think anyways. So why does Jesus not perform these powerful mighty works in his hometown, demonstrating who he is?

Comfort in the Promised Presence of God

Date: February 15, 2015 | Speaker:

A child who awakens in a dark room in the middle of the night is often gripped with fear, yet all it takes to comfort him is the presence of his father or mother. The same darkness is still there, but the child’s heart is now at rest simply because he is not alone. As we walk through the dark seasons of life, we are easily filled with fear. The one thing that will bring true peace and comfort into those situations is knowing that Jesus has promised to always be with us to the very end of the world!

Giving Ourselves Completely to God

Giving Our Talents to God

Date: February 1, 2015 | Speaker:

Have you ever said, “If I had a chance to live my life over, I’d live it so much better!” But why is it that we don’t go ahead and make those changes now with the one life we do have? The Bible tells us how to invest our life wisely so we don’t reach the end and realize we wasted it. Jesus has entrusted each of us with different “talents” and one day He will return to see how we invested them. Will we hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” or will He rebuke us for the way we managed what He gave us?

Giving Ourselves Completely to God

Giving Our Treasures to God

Date: January 25, 2015 | Speaker:

God sends so many blessings into our lives, but there is always a danger that those very blessings will be the things that draw our hearts away from Him. Because of this, the Bible warns us to never treasure anything more than we treasure God. We can become so consumed by our treasures that we refuse to let them go, and as a result, we will miss God’s mission for our life. Are you investing the blessings God gives you for His kingdom, or are you using them all for your own benefit?

An Unexpected Surprise

Date: December 21, 2014 | Speaker:

For generations the people of Israel waited for their Savior to come, but when He did come, He was not the Savior they wanted. Instead of being born to royalty, He was born to a poor couple from the middle of nowhere. Instead of being a powerful king, He was a humble servant. Instead of being a mighty military leader, He taught everyone to love their enemies. Jesus truly was an unexpected surprise. And even after they put Him to death on a cross, He still had one more unexpected surprise that no one could have believed until they saw it for themselves!


Identity Theft (The Ultimate Deception)

Date: November 2, 2014 | Speaker:

People have many false views of who God is. It seems that everyone has created their own version of God; a “god” they are comfortable with. They choose the parts about God they like and ignore the parts they don’t. But God’s true identity cannot be changed to suit us. He alone is God, and we cannot fashion Him into our own image. Until we have a right understanding of who God really is, everything in life will be off course, and we will never know how to really live. Do you truly know who God is?