Sermons about Faith

It Shall Be Well

Date: September 19, 2021 | Speaker:

History is filled with the accounts of men and women whose lives were overwhelmed with suffering, pain and loss, yet because of their faith in Christ, they could still say with confidence that all will be well. How is it possible for someone to go through such devastating trials and still know that God is good? Trouble and heartache will visit us all in this life. Do you know how to stand firm when the storms begin to blow?

Courageous Faith

Date: September 5, 2021 | Speaker:

The Centurion courageously and desperately sought after the only One who could change his servant’s situation. In the process, the Centurion displayed amazing faith in what Jesus could do and ultimately saw Jesus bring glory to God by healing his servant. Even though we may not always see the rewards of our faith on this earth like the Centurion did, we can trust that God is working in all our situations to bring glory and honor to Him. Are you desiring to bring God glory by desperately seeking and trusting Him with the situations in your life?

Courageous Love

Date: August 29, 2021 | Speaker:

Joseph of Arimathea went from a secret follower of Christ to a man who used what God had given him to courageously and sacrificially love His Lord. Christ’s death on the Cross changed Joseph and the Cross can change you as well. How is the Cross impacting you today? Are you courageously and sacrificially loving Jesus with what He has given you?

Obeying God When it Doesn’t Make Sense

Date: July 11, 2021 | Speaker:

If God only called us to do things we could easily do, to give what we could easily give, then we really wouldn’t need Him at all. His calls always stretch us beyond our limits and our resources so that we will be forced to trust completely in Him. Is there anything God has already prompted you to do that you’ve been putting off because you feel unequipped or incapable? Why not step out in obedience and faith today and watch how He will use you!

The Grace of Jesus in Our Moments of Doubt

Date: April 4, 2021 | Speaker:

The events of this past year have filled the hearts of many people around the world with fear. Some Christians feel ashamed that their faith has wavered during these difficult times. But in the Bible we see another group of people who were wrestling with doubts and fear, and we see the extraordinary grace that Jesus extended to them. If you’re struggling today, you need to come and receive the grace that Jesus longs to give to you.

From Barrenness to Blessedness

Date: January 10, 2021 | Speaker:

There are times in life when God allows us to go through seasons of barrenness. We feel emptied of the joy and hope we once knew. God uses these trials to test us and grow our faith, and if we will allow the hardships to make us better instead of bitter, God will bring us through to a place of blessedness once again, where we are much stronger than we were before.

The Danger of Living in Disobedience

Date: September 20, 2020 | Speaker:

“It’s just a small sin… it’s no big deal!” We are so quick to convince ourselves that God is willing to tolerate our sin, as long as we are still going to church, giving some money, and doing religious things. But even the smallest amount of known sin in our lives contaminates our entire relationship with God, just as a small amount of poison contaminates an entire glass of water. Are there areas of disobedience in your life that you have been tolerating? Bring them to God today!

Don’t Wait for a Better Time to Follow God

Date: September 13, 2020 | Speaker:

It’s easy to follow God when you don’t have to risk anything; when you’re healthy; when you’ve got money; when there’s no trouble in sight. But God calls us to follow Him when our strength is failing; when there’s no money; when the path ahead is filled with obstacles. Has God already called you to obey Him in some area, but you’re waiting for a better time? Right now is the time to step out and follow Him by faith!

Following God in Days of Uncertainty

Date: August 30, 2020 | Speaker:

What do you do when some traumatic event has left you shaken, broken, and filled with worry? What do you do when the future looks so overwhelming that fear paralyzes you from moving forward? The same help that God gave to Joshua is available to you right now. Yes, you can continue following God, even in days of uncertainty!

The Cure for the Curse of Sin

Date: May 24, 2020 | Speaker:

Every religion around the world has a list of different things a person has to do in order to get to heaven. Some have to pray a certain number of times every day, others have to chant mantras, while others have to perform a lifetime of good works. And yet, none of those things can make us right with God. There is only one way to know for sure that our sins are forgiven and that we will spend eternity in heaven. Are you sure you’ve received the right cure for sin?

The Blessing of Being Thirsty

Date: May 17, 2020 | Speaker:

Have you ever had to learn the same lesson more than once? Sometimes we fail to remember God’s blessings and provision from the past, and so new trials can cause us to doubt His faithfulness and provision. Our human tendency is to complain when we are in desperate need, but let’s learn instead that those very times are blessings in disguise. It’s in those moments that God has our full attention, because the struggles He has allowed to come our way cause us to run to Him!

Don’t Spend Your Life Going Nowhere

Date: May 10, 2020 | Speaker:

Fear takes a devastating toll on our lives. It paralyzes us from following God and keeps us trapped in the wilderness of doubt. Fear arises when we magnify the problems and minimize God’s promises; but faith grows when we minimize the problems by magnifying God’s promises. Which one are you doing today?