Sermons about Faith

Don’t Stop Short of God’s Call

Date: April 28, 2019 | Speaker:

Growing up we were all taught the importance of finishing what we started. This is certainly good advice to live by, but it is even more important in our walk with God. Sometimes we leave things undone that God’s Word has already told us to do, simply because we don’t want to deal with them. We follow where God calls us, but only as long as we’re comfortable. A life lived this way will never see all that God has in store, but will, instead, have to be content with hearing the stories of great faith from those who chose not to settle for less.

Reactions to the Resurrection

Date: April 21, 2019 | Speaker:

The followers of Jesus all had different reactions to hearing the news that He had risen from the dead. One wanted to hold onto a feeling to be sure it was true. Others had to see it for themselves or be given physical proof before they would believe. We still struggle with similar reactions in our own Christian walk. Often our faith fluctuates based on how we feel, or by what we can see, but we must be sure our faith is anchored in something much deeper.

It’s Time to Stop and Build an Altar

Date: March 31, 2019 | Speaker:

The first thing Noah and his family did when the flood ended was to build an altar and give thanks to God for delivering them. Altars were piles of rocks that also served as reminders of God’s faithfulness to future generations. When is the last time you stopped and “built an altar” in some way to give God thanks for His goodness to you, or to serve as a memorial to your family of God’s faithfulness? Why not make time to do it this week. You’ll be amazed at the impact it will have on your life and on the lives of those around you!

How to Escape the Coming Judgement

Date: March 24, 2019 | Speaker:

God gave Noah a ridiculous command to build a massive ship nowhere near water and prepare to load thousands of animals on board. But as foolish as this command sounded, Noah obeyed everything God told him to do. Because of his faith in God and his obedience, Noah and his family were saved from the judgement that soon came and destroyed the earth. God’s judgement is coming again, and no one will be able to stand against it on their own. But God has already provided a Way of escape. Do you know how to find it?

In the Beginning, God…

Date: January 20, 2019 | Speaker:

To believe anything in the Bible, you must believe the very first verse in the Bible. A person who does not believe Genesis 1:1 will never believe the rest of the Bible. This opening statement declares boldly that there is, in fact, one true God who has existed forever, who created everything, and who therefore owns everything, including our lives. This single sentence, “In the beginning, God created…” makes it clear that we are not here by random chance; that our lives do have extraordinary meaning, value and purpose, and that there actually is a higher Authority to whom we must answer. Have you ever come to terms with this truth?

How the Bible Defies the Odds

Date: January 13, 2019 | Speaker:

Take 40 people to the library and tell them to choose any books they want. Some people must choose more than one so that there are 66 books in all. What are the odds that all 66 books would be in agreement and form one continuous story? It is statistically impossible! The 66 books of the Bible were written by 40 authors from diverse backgrounds, living over a period of about 1,500 years, and yet when all 66 books are brought together, they form one complete, unified story from beginning to end. This is just more evidence confirming the Divine authorship of this amazing Book.

Can We Trust the Bible?

Date: January 6, 2019 | Speaker:

Do you believe the Bible is really a supernatural book inspired by God? If so, why do you believe that? Is it just because that’s what you were taught growing up, but you’ve never examined it for yourself? Are you absolutely certain that the Bible is true and trustworthy? Today we explore some of the amazing historical and scientific evidence that demonstrates the Divine authorship of this incredible Book, and you’ll have even more reasons to know that you really can trust the Bible!

Waiting on the Lord: A Mother’s Story

Date: May 13, 2018 | Speaker:

Hannah was barren for many years until God heard her cry out to Him. He answered her prayers, and Hannah gave birth to one of the greatest prophets Israel ever had. Like Hannah, we should pray without ceasing with confidence that He will hear our prayers.

The Truth Will Set You Free

Our Redeeming God and His New Covenant

Date: April 29, 2018 | Speaker:

Starting with the fall of Adam and Eve, we see clearly the sobering consequences of sin. To know the truth is to know that our God is unchanging about sin. He is holy and righteous, and our sins cannot be overlooked. But God has provided a way for us to be saved from our sins. He offers this path of salvation through a new covenant; the Messianic Covenant. We either accept this new covenant and abide by the terms, or we reject it altogether and choose our own path; a choice that Jesus described as leading to destruction. Join us as we uncover the truth about God’s New Covenant offer, and the reason it is described as such good news!

The Thorns of Life

Date: December 31, 2017 | Speaker:

God gave Paul a thorn in the flesh to keep him humble and to teach him valuable truths that he would never otherwise have learned. When Paul accepted this hardship, God used it in powerful ways. God also allows trials to come into our lives to stretch our faith, to deepen our love for Him, and to make us more cognizant of the needs of others. Are you allowing this process to take place in your life?

Trusting God Into the Unknown

Date: September 24, 2017 | Speaker:

It’s easy to “say” we would follow God anywhere, but it’s a whole different story when He actually calls us to step out into the complete unknown and follow Him by faith without having a clue how things are going to turn out. Doing so requires us to relinquish control of our lives and trust that whatever God brings about is ultimately best. Are you willing to trust God that way?