Sermons about Faith

He Sees You in the Storm

Date: October 28, 2012 | Speaker:

When the storms of life are beating down upon you, it is very easy to forget everything you thought you knew about God. Sometimes when you’re all alone struggling against the wind and waves, it can feel like God has forgotten you. Your prayers seem to go unheard and you wonder if He will ever come to your rescue. In those difficult times, it is vital that you remember three important truths about God. These truths will help you hold on through even the roughest seas and guide you safely to your destination!

The Folly of Two Souls

Date: October 7, 2012 | Speaker:

Do you question whether God still answers prayers today? Your honest response to that question is likely shaped by the effectiveness of your prayers in the past. But have you examined yourself and your prayers under the light of God’s Word? Join us as we look at what Scripture teaches about asking and receiving.

Walking in the New Life, Part 4: Our Words

Date: July 22, 2012 | Speaker:

Our words… God has a lot to say about them, but are we paying attention? As His children, we hold the power to speak words of life or death. And whatever is in our hearts is what will come out of our mouths. Let’s take a close look at the truth of what God wants to hear from His children.

Walking in the New Life, Part 2: Our Justification

Date: June 24, 2012 | Speaker:

Romans 8 is an exciting proclamation of what the new life is all about. Paul opens the chapter by laying the cornerstone of our faith, and then goes on to describe to us the vital role of the mind in the new life of a believer.

Crossing Our Jordan Rivers – Part 2

Date: March 18, 2012 | Speaker:

It’s one thing to read books about faith and hear stories about other people’s faith, but it’s another thing entirely when God calls us to step out on faith! The fact is, we can’t live on someone else’s faith. There comes a time in each of our lives when we must decide to either step out into an impossible situation and trust God completely, or turn and go the other way. Are you content to live your entire life just hearing stories about great faith, or are you determined to step out for God and have stories of your own to share with your grandchildren? God is looking for people to step out and trust Him wherever He leads. Will you be one of those people?

Crossing Our Jordan Rivers – Part 1

Date: March 11, 2012 | Speaker:

God’s paths seldom make sense. Often in life God leads us straight into what looks like an impossible situation where even our best resources are not enough to get us through. This is how the Israelites felt when God led them to the banks of the Jordan River at flood stage and commanded them to step out into the water and go across! These moments are not obstacles, but opportunities to see God’s power displayed! Are we willing to trust God to make a way where there is no way?

Living a Life of Dangerous Faith

Date: January 16, 2011 | Speaker:

When is the last time you took a step of faith that terrified you? How long has it been? Are you going through life with only “memories” of times long ago when you stepped out on faith? If God seems to be cutting away the safety harnesses in your life and stripping you of the things you’ve been depending on, it may be that He is inviting you into a fresh opportunity to walk with Him at a place where your faith will grow to a whole new level. Will you step out and risk something for Him this year instead of being content to live on yesterday’s faith?

Having the Guts to Be Who God Wants You to Be

Date: January 9, 2011 | Speaker:

2009 and 2010 have been years of dramatic economic decline, collapsing financial institutions, staggering job loss and shrinking retirement accounts. People’s hearts are filled with fear and anxiety, wondering what the future holds. As we step into 2011, is it possible — even thinkable — that we could face this shaky new year with an unshakeable faith?

Joseph: The Promise Believed

Date: December 5, 2010 | Speaker:

As we celebrate Christmas, let’s remember that Christmas is really all about a promise. Actually, it’s all about “The Promise.” When Adam and Eve chose to disobey God, Satan thought he had won, but in Genesis 3:15 God promised to one day send a Savior into the world who would crush Satan and conquer sin. From that moment on, mankind carried the heavy burden of sin, until that glorious night when The Promise was born in a manger, and proved once and for all that God always keeps His promises.

Finding Hope in a Hopeless Situation

Date: June 6, 2010 | Speaker:

Have you ever found yourself facing a desperate situation… the clock is ticking… time is running out… and it seems like God is ignoring you? Has he heard your prayers? Will He ever show up? If you’ve been there, or you’re there now, take heart in today’s message from John 11 where a family learned that even though Jesus delayed, His delay brought about a far greater purpose than they could have ever imagined.

When the Need Exceeds the Resources

Date: May 2, 2010 | Speaker:

When faced with the impossible problem of feeding the five thousand, the disciples were unable to come up with a solution because they failed to factor Jesus into the equation. And yet, in the hands of Jesus, one boy’s small lunch became a miraculous meal that satisfied thousands. What impossible situation are you facing today? Have you remembered to factor Jesus into the equation and leave room for a miracle?