Sermons about Faithfulness

A Personal Commitment

Date: September 27, 2009 | Speaker:

Everything in life is just talk until we make a personal commitment to actually DO it. So often, the difference between people God uses greatly and people He doesn’t use comes down to which person is fully committed to Him. Is there an area of your life that you have been hesitant to commit the Lord? Why not give it to Him today?

Committed to the Mission

Date: July 5, 2009 | Speaker:

Churches everywhere are filled with people who have made a commitment to Jesus… but many of those people have never made a commitment to the “mission” of Jesus. They took a step towards the cross to be saved, but they have never taken the next step to go beyond the cross and live out their lives for the cause of Christ. Today’s messages challenges us to not just make a commitment to Jesus, but to make a commitment to the mission of Jesus as well.

Giving God His Due

Date: February 8, 2009 | Speaker:

In these tough economic times, giving to God is often the first thing we cut from our budget in order to stretch our income further. But do we really understand the biblical principles behind this issue, and the consequences of keeping what rightfully belongs to God? During these hard times, may we continue to demonstrate our faith by giving God His due.

Your Labor is Not in Vain!

Date: January 4, 2009 | Speaker:

Have you ever felt discouraged because you aren’t seeing the kind of results you would like to see from your labor for the Lord? The Bible challenges us to not become weary in doing good because we know that our labor in the Lord is not in vain, and we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Today’s message will encourage you and give you hope to press on even in the dry times!

Seeing With God’s Vision

Date: June 1, 2008 | Speaker:

Our purpose on this earth is not just to step into God’s mission for a few weeks or a few months, but to finish the mission by reaching the destination God has for us. Will we get distracted by the mirages along the way like the Israelites in the wilderness, or will we see past them with God’s vision and fulfill our purpose on this earth?

Don’t Lose Your First Love

Date: February 17, 2008 | Speaker:

As Christians, it is possible for us to have solid doctrine, impeccable church attendance, generous giving and faithful service, but to be doing all those things out of routine rather than out of a heart of love for the Lord. The Bible strongly warns us against worshiping God in this way. Today’s message is a reminder of the danger of losing our first love.

A God Worth Serving

Date: January 20, 2008 | Speaker:

There are two kinds of Christians: those who serve the Lord with joy and gladness, and those who do it out of a sense of obligation and duty. The first group understands how much the Lord has done for them and they serve Him out of a heart overflowing with gratitude. The second group has forgotten the extent of love the Lord has shown them, and some of them even think God owes them something. The Bible says that each one of us has a vital role to play in the Body of Christ, and that we must each do our part. Are you doing your part with a joyful spirit or with a complaining attitude?