Sermons about Possessions

God May Be Silent, But He is Not Absent!

Date: July 7, 2024 | Speaker:

Does it ever feel like God is absent during life’s chaos? Have you wondered if He is involved in the mundane details of your existence? God often moves in ways we cannot perceive or understand, but always remember that just because God is silent, it does not mean He is absent. The question is, can we trust Him even when we don’t see Him? Our faith is proven in those moments when it seems that God is nowhere to be found. When today looks like just another series of random events, can our eyes of faith see beyond the circumstances, knowing with certainty that God is silently at work in it all?

Overcoming Spiritual Complacency

Date: May 12, 2024 | Speaker:

One of the great dangers of the Christian life is not that we will suddenly decide to hate God, but rather, that we will slowly grow cold towards Him as time goes by. The cares and pursuits of this world can diminish our passion for God little by little until it is nothing more than a dying ember. Perhaps you’ve unintentionally drifted from your first love and now your life feels empty and aimless. Ask the Spirit of God to stir the fire in you and make the Lord your greatest treasure once again. When you value Him above all else, your heart and priorities will naturally follow, leading you back to the only source of true fulfillment, and giving your life the meaning and direction you long for!

Surrounded by Truth but Living a Lie

Date: October 3, 2021 | Speaker:

We have all had the awful experience of seeing a news story about a Christian ministry whose leaders were charged with embezzlement or some other crime. It’s a reminder of how close we can be to the truth, but still be living a lie. We can worship and pray and serve in the church, but have hearts that are far from God. What about you? Is Christ your highest pursuit, or are you just going through the motions?

Getting Everything but Having Nothing

Date: June 6, 2021 | Speaker:

If you could pray one prayer and instantly have everything you’ve ever wanted, would you do it? Most of us think we would be happier if we just had a little more, but is that really true? King Solomon had more money, possessions and fame than anyone in the world, but he hated life and was overcome with emptiness and frustration. If your search for meaning and happiness has led you to a dead end, this message will show you the only path to true joy and fulfillment.

Are You Headed Toward Spiritual Excellence?

Date: July 19, 2020 | Speaker:

If you were given the choice of living a mediocre life versus living an excellent life, you would most likely choose excellence. None of us want to live a mediocre life, but do we feel the same about our spiritual life? The Bible gives us some simple things we can begin doing that will lead us toward spiritual maturity and excellence, and you can start building them into your life today!

The Part of Worship We Tend to Ignore

Date: July 12, 2020 | Speaker:

Out of all the commands God gives in the Bible, there is one in particular that people have a hard time hearing. Sermons about love, grace and mercy are welcomed, but any talk about money in the church is often met with resistance. God’s instructions about giving are not designed to constrain us. They will actually bring us freedom and joy! Are we willing to hear what God wants to teach us?

What Would You Not Give Up for God?

Date: July 14, 2019 | Speaker:

When we give clothing, furniture or other items to charities, we typically give things that are old and worn; items that have lost their value to us. But what if a charity asked people to give their most valuable possession in the world? They probably wouldn’t receive a single donation. Today we look into an event where God asked Abraham to sacrifice the most beloved treasure he had. Abraham’s response is both shocking and inspiring, and it raises the question, “What would you not give up if God asked you for it?”

Getting Back on the Right Path

Date: May 26, 2019 | Speaker:

When we fail God, our first tendency is to hide from Him. But He graciously invites us to come back to Him so that He can restore us by His grace. When our relationships with people become strained, we prefer to avoid them, too. Days can turn into years, where even family members refuse to speak to each other, all because no one is willing to take the first step toward peace. Let’s follow Abram’s example. He humbled himself in order to resolve conflict so that God would be glorified through the situation.

Are You Really Depending on God?

Date: February 25, 2018 | Speaker:

When our refrigerators are stocked with food, our closets are full of clothes, and we receive a steady paycheck, it’s hard for us to believe that we are totally dependent on God to provide our daily needs. But the Bible reminds us that everything we have comes from Him. Remembering this is vital to maintaining a healthy dependence on Him and being content with what we have.

Responding to God’s Blessings

Date: November 13, 2016 | Speaker:

There’s no denying it — God has blessed us beyond belief! We have received so much from His hands. But why? Why has He blessed us and what are we supposed to do with those blessings? Are we supposed to keep them all for ourselves, or does God have a bigger purpose in mind? Once we learn this important principle, we will discover the real definition of what it means to be blessed.

Remembering God’s Blessings

Date: November 6, 2016 | Speaker:

Humans are forgetful by nature. We forget where we put our car keys, we forget birthdays, appointments, people’s names… but far too often we also forget God’s blessings to us. We either complain about what we don’t have or we become complacent with what we do have. The Bible instructs us to always remember God’s blessings and goodness to us, and to give Him thanks, regardless of our circumstances. How often do you remember?

Where is Your Love Taking You?

Date: February 28, 2016 | Speaker:

John says we have to make a choice: either we can love the world or we can love God, but it is impossible to love both. We cannot love the sinful ways of the world and have God’s love in us at the same time. It’s one or the other. He also warns that our lives will end very differently based on what we choose to love. So where is your love taking you? Are you living for the here and now, or are you living for eternity?