Sermons about Possessions

Don’t Be Called a Fool by God!

Date: July 3, 2011 | Speaker:

The Bible tells a story about a man who acquired great wealth, retired financially independent, and spent his life doing whatever he wanted to do. Today we call this the “American Dream,” and anyone who achieves it is looked upon as a success… but God called this man a fool. What were the blind spots in his life that brought such a harsh judgement from God, and how can you be sure you avoid making the same mistakes?

Have You Counted the Cost of Following Christ?

Date: June 26, 2011 | Speaker:

Over the course of His ministry, there were thousands and thousands of people who were quick to follow Jesus when He was doing miracles. But those same crowds turned back once they learned how much it would cost them to truly follow Jesus. He said a person must be willing to give up everything he has in order to be His disciple. Even today we see people who used to follow Christ, who have now turned back because the price was too high. Will you still be following Christ a year from now?

You Can’t Take it with You

Date: August 29, 2010 | Speaker:

What would you do if you discovered the richest hidden treasure in all the world? Would you be willing to trade in all your old junk in exchange for that treasure? In Christ we have discovered life’s greatest treasure, yet so few Christians are willing to invest even a small portion of what they have into His mission. What will we say when we stand before God one day… will we weep tears of regret knowing that we refused to invest in His kingdom work, or will we rejoice knowing that we held nothing back? We must all decide what we value most before it’s too late.

When the Need Exceeds the Resources

Date: May 2, 2010 | Speaker:

When faced with the impossible problem of feeding the five thousand, the disciples were unable to come up with a solution because they failed to factor Jesus into the equation. And yet, in the hands of Jesus, one boy’s small lunch became a miraculous meal that satisfied thousands. What impossible situation are you facing today? Have you remembered to factor Jesus into the equation and leave room for a miracle?

Steward Our Lives

Date: February 7, 2010 | Speaker:

God never intended for us to keep 100% of what He gives us, but rather to invest some of it back into His mission on this earth. As you think about your time, talents, treasures, truth, and relationships, which area of your life are you managing well? Which area is God pinpointing that needs to be managed better? Is there anything you are holding onto that God wants you to release for His use?

Giving God His Due

Date: February 8, 2009 | Speaker:

In these tough economic times, giving to God is often the first thing we cut from our budget in order to stretch our income further. But do we really understand the biblical principles behind this issue, and the consequences of keeping what rightfully belongs to God? During these hard times, may we continue to demonstrate our faith by giving God His due.


Date: April 27, 2008 | Speaker:

Talking about “Giving” should not be something that we, as followers of Jesus Christ, should dread. The truth is, God has given us the incredible opportunity of partnering with Him in the greatest adventure of a lifetime — being involved in His Kingdom work! Jesus said that the location of our treasure indicates the location of our heart, and if we are investing our treasure into eternal things, our heart will be there also. This encouraging sermon will give you a fresh perspective on giving!