Sermons about Possessions

The Standard of Giving

Date: November 1, 2015 | Speaker:

The Bible clearly commands us to be generous, joyful givers of all that God has given to us, but exactly how much are we supposed to give? In the Old Testament, God demanded a 10% tithe, but is that still true for us as New Testament Christians? What really is the standard of giving for us as followers of Christ, and is it actually possible to become a joyful giver rather than a disgruntled one? Everyone has their opinion on this matter, but find out what the Bible really says!

All She Had to Live On

Date: June 14, 2015 | Speaker:

Jim Elliot is quoted as saying “He is no fool, who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose.” Jesus response to the widow who gave 2 copper coins is very revealing; he does not say she gave all her money, he says she gave all she had to live on. Luke 12:15 says “One’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions”. If our life isn’t in our possessions, what is Jesus referring to when he says this widow woman gave all she had to live on?

The Cost of the Great Commission

Date: June 7, 2015 | Speaker:

Jesus made it unmistakably clear that it was impossible to follow Him without a cost. But too often we think of the ‘cost’ in terms of something that probably only applies to other people, not to us. This kind of thinking has caused the weight of the Great Commission to fall on the shoulders of a few, while the majority simply stand by and look on. The fact is, the mission of Christ will never be carried out without a high cost. Are you willing to be a part of it?

Contentment in the Unfailing Provision of God

Date: February 22, 2015 | Speaker:

We are constantly bombarded with advertising designed to make us discontent with what we have so that we will always feel compelled to pursue something more. This can easily send us on a never-ending quest for happiness and fulfillment; always thinking, “I’ll be happy when…” or “I’d be happier if…” In stark contrast to this, the Bible calls us to live a life of contentment, but is that even possible? Today’s message reveals the secret of being content, even in a world that isn’t.

Giving Ourselves Completely to God

Giving Our Talents to God

Date: February 1, 2015 | Speaker:

Have you ever said, “If I had a chance to live my life over, I’d live it so much better!” But why is it that we don’t go ahead and make those changes now with the one life we do have? The Bible tells us how to invest our life wisely so we don’t reach the end and realize we wasted it. Jesus has entrusted each of us with different “talents” and one day He will return to see how we invested them. Will we hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” or will He rebuke us for the way we managed what He gave us?

Giving Ourselves Completely to God

Giving Our Treasures to God

Date: January 25, 2015 | Speaker:

God sends so many blessings into our lives, but there is always a danger that those very blessings will be the things that draw our hearts away from Him. Because of this, the Bible warns us to never treasure anything more than we treasure God. We can become so consumed by our treasures that we refuse to let them go, and as a result, we will miss God’s mission for our life. Are you investing the blessings God gives you for His kingdom, or are you using them all for your own benefit?

Don’t Just Make a Living. Make a Life!

Date: March 10, 2013 | Speaker:

God has a specific purpose for every one of us to play in His redemptive mission on this earth. He has a “life purpose” for us that is bigger than our “life provision.” The trouble is, we spend most of our life pursuing our provision instead of pursuing our purpose. Our life provision is how we make a living… our life purpose is how we make a life! Once you begin to discover your life purpose, you will discover a life of real meaning and joy far beyond the daily 8-5 grind, and you will then be able to live with confidence, knowing exactly what your role is in God’s great plan!

Following Jesus, No Strings Attached

Date: February 10, 2013 | Speaker:

Today’s advertising experts would have to admit that Jesus had the worst marketing campaign in history! Instead of advertising all the good things up front and putting the bad things in fine print, He came right out and said that if anyone wanted to follow Him, they first had to deny themselves, take up a cross, abandon every other allegiance in life, give up everything they had, and follow Him, possibly even to the death. He made it painfully clear that no one could be His disciple if they were still holding onto anything that came before Him. And still today, He requires that we follow Him, no strings attached!

Are You Being Faithful Where You Are?

Date: July 10, 2011 | Speaker:

Someone once said, “If you can’t be faithful where you are, you won’t be faithful where you ain’t.” We spend far too much of our lives “planning on” being faithful to God “one day.” We think, when we have more money, we’ll give… when we have more time, we’ll serve. But God is not interested in what we’re planning on doing for Him 10 years from now if we’re not being faithful today. Are you being faithful right now where you are with what you have?

Don’t Be Called a Fool by God!

Date: July 3, 2011 | Speaker:

The Bible tells a story about a man who acquired great wealth, retired financially independent, and spent his life doing whatever he wanted to do. Today we call this the “American Dream,” and anyone who achieves it is looked upon as a success… but God called this man a fool. What were the blind spots in his life that brought such a harsh judgement from God, and how can you be sure you avoid making the same mistakes?

Have You Counted the Cost of Following Christ?

Date: June 26, 2011 | Speaker:

Over the course of His ministry, there were thousands and thousands of people who were quick to follow Jesus when He was doing miracles. But those same crowds turned back once they learned how much it would cost them to truly follow Jesus. He said a person must be willing to give up everything he has in order to be His disciple. Even today we see people who used to follow Christ, who have now turned back because the price was too high. Will you still be following Christ a year from now?

You Can’t Take it with You

Date: August 29, 2010 | Speaker:

What would you do if you discovered the richest hidden treasure in all the world? Would you be willing to trade in all your old junk in exchange for that treasure? In Christ we have discovered life’s greatest treasure, yet so few Christians are willing to invest even a small portion of what they have into His mission. What will we say when we stand before God one day… will we weep tears of regret knowing that we refused to invest in His kingdom work, or will we rejoice knowing that we held nothing back? We must all decide what we value most before it’s too late.