Sermons about Priorities

Looking Forward

Date: December 1, 2019 | Speaker:

Scripture promises a new heaven and a new earth for followers of Christ. Peter reminds us of how this promise should impact our lives today. The goals that we are striving for in the future will always impact our choices in the present. Knowing that we will one day see Christ should motivate us to live holy lives here and now. Are we looking forward to that day, and are we living expectant, intentional holy lives in light of it?

What Would You Not Give Up for God?

Date: July 14, 2019 | Speaker:

When we give clothing, furniture or other items to charities, we typically give things that are old and worn; items that have lost their value to us. But what if a charity asked people to give their most valuable possession in the world? They probably wouldn’t receive a single donation. Today we look into an event where God asked Abraham to sacrifice the most beloved treasure he had. Abraham’s response is both shocking and inspiring, and it raises the question, “What would you not give up if God asked you for it?”

When Hope Fades

Date: June 16, 2019 | Speaker:

Have you ever lost hope in something important? It’s a tough place to be that can cause us to make poor choices out of desperation. Abram and Sarai found themselves in that place, and they made a big mistake by taking matters into their own hands. But there is much to learn from it, and we should pay attention to what this historical account can teach us. Let’s prepare ourselves for those times when hope fades.

When Trust Turns Into Trials

Date: May 12, 2019 | Speaker:

Have you ever stepped out to follow God, only to discover when you got to where you were going, that it didn’t look anything like you thought it would? Has your obedience ever been followed by trials and testing? This is exactly what happened to Abram after he obeyed God’s call. It all started out very different than he must have imagined, but at just the right time, God fulfilled every one of His promises. If you are faithfully following God, but your life isn’t what you hoped for, keep trusting Him. He will not steer you wrong.

Abandoning Our Towers of Significance

Date: April 7, 2019 | Speaker:

Every person ever born spends some portion of their life searching for significance, status, peace, identity, belonging, and a long list of things that they know are missing from deep within them. Sadly, we often try to build those things into our life through career advancement, relationships, pleasure, prominence and possessions, only to realize later that all the towers of significance we have constructed are empty. But there is one place where all of these things can be found in abundance, and you can discover that place today!

Blessed are Those Who Hunger and Thirst

Date: July 29, 2018 | Speaker:

Imagine being lost alone in a vast desert with no food or water. After several days your body loses all strength and you know that you can’t survive much longer. You would give everything you own for even a sip of water or a small bite of food. This is the kind of intense hunger and thirst Jesus said we should have for righteousness. It should be our first desire and a lifelong pursuit so that our lives will bring Him glory. What are you pursuing above everything else?

The Two Greatest Commandments

The Two Greatest Commandments

Date: May 6, 2018 | Speaker:

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it. Love your neighbor as yourself.” — Matt. 22:37 This is the only acceptable attitude we can have towards God if we truly want to be set apart and used by God to make a difference in this world; loving not as the world loves but loving as God loves. It is the foundation upon which everything we do for Christ must rest. If you have a desire to make a noticeable difference in this world for Christ, it will be through your love for others.

Growing Up in Our Salvation

Date: February 26, 2017 | Speaker:

It has been said that everyone ages, but not everyone matures; everyone grows older, but not everyone grows up. The same is true spiritually. But God’s desire is for us to grow up spiritually; to mature in our walk with Him. Are you pursuing God with an intentional, passionate hunger that will feed you spiritually and cause you to grow and mature in your faith?

You Refuse to Come to Me

Date: August 21, 2016 | Speaker:

Jesus told the most religious people in Jerusalem that even though they diligently studied the Scriptures, they still did not have the very life of which the Scriptures spoke. How is that possible? It’s possible because we can read the Bible, go to church and do all kinds of religious things, yet still completely miss Jesus! You may be religious, but have you ever come to Jesus to find the life, forgiveness and hope that only He provides?

Follow Me

Date: June 26, 2016 | Speaker:

“Follow Me.” This is the call Jesus extended to four simple fishermen along the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Little did those young men know what that call would entail, but their obedience forever changed their lives and ultimately changed the world. How do you respond when Jesus calls you to put Him above everything and everyone else and follow Him wherever He may lead?

What You Heard from the Beginning

Date: February 7, 2016 | Speaker:

As John the Apostle writes to his beloved children in Ephesus, he desires to stir their hearts into remembering their beginnings; when they first believed in the Lord Jesus for salvation; when they first received the gospel in faith. But why is it so important to be reminded of our beginnings in the gospel? Do we have any control for how much the gospel affects us now compared to when we first believed?