Sermons about Restoration

The Secret to Restoring a Nation

Date: February 19, 2023 | Speaker:

What would you say is the first and most important step required to get any nation back on track? Fix the economy, strengthen the military, rebuild the infrastructure? Those things have their place, but none of them have the power to turn a nation around. Nothing will ever change for the better until God is given His rightful place in the hearts of believers again, and until God is given His rightful place in the church again… and it could all begin with you! Are you willing to humbly offer yourself to God as the starting place for revival in your family, your church, your community and your nation?

The Touch of the Savior

Date: January 29, 2023 | Speaker:

Jesus’ healing of the leper was an amazing display of Jesus’ power. It was also a beautiful reminder of Jesus’ love and what we have in Him. Life is full of difficulties and it often leaves us feeling alone, hurt, and like no one cares. However we are reminded that we serve a Savior who cares about our every need and we serve Savior who can restore our every longing. Are you looking to Him today?

Do You Need a Second Chance?

Date: July 24, 2022 | Speaker:

There are certain opportunities in life that only come your way once. If you miss them, you’ll never get a second chance. But you should be encouraged to know that God doesn’t treat us that way when we fail Him. He is a God of fresh starts and new beginnings who is patient and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in love. When we sin, God has every right to cast us aside forever, yet He forgives all who come to Him and restores them to useful service again. If you’ve failed in some way or you’ve turned away from God, turn back to Him now. He is ready to give you a second chance!

God’s Mercy in Our Failures

Date: January 23, 2022 | Speaker:

Most people think that the Book of Jonah is all about a man being swallowed by a huge fish, but actually it’s all about God’s incredible love and mercy for everyone, even those who hate Him. Chapter 1 shows us that even when we disobey God and bring trouble into our lives, He is still ready and eager to provide a way out and bring us back to Himself.

About 30 minutes after preaching this sermon, pastor Phil suffered a heart attack and underwent quadruple bypass surgery. He was out for several months recovering, and that is the reason for the time gap between this sermon and the next sermon in this Unravel Part 4 series.

He returned to the pulpit on July 17, 2022 and resumed the series with a sermon from Jonah chapter 2 entitled: “The Blessing of Being Humbled” which you can watch by clicking this link.

Do You Need a New Beginning?

Date: September 12, 2021 | Speaker:

Because we are all sinful creatures we fail God and other people regularly. In those moments of failure we certainly deserve whatever condemnation and judgement might come our way, yet we can all recall times when God showed us His grace instead and gave us a fresh start. You may feel like you’ve blown it so badly that God will never take you back. But He stands ready right now to extend His grace and give you a new beginning!

Turning Our Hearts Back to God

Date: July 18, 2021 | Speaker:

We were created to worship God and bring Him glory. However, sometimes we lose sight of that and choose instead to put other things in the place of the love, devotion and worship that belong to Him alone. When that happens we are, in a very real sense, worshiping other gods on the altar of our heart. God will use any means necessary to destroy those idols and turn our hearts back to Him. Are there any areas of your heart that need to be given back completely to God?

The Fall of a King and the Mercy of God

Date: March 28, 2021 | Speaker:

David started out as a great king. He led the people with kindness and discernment, and he put all of his trust in the Lord. But none of that lasted. Like all of us, David was unable to live up the perfect Law of God, and his kingship was eventually tarnished by sin. Thankfully his sin did not mark the end of his legacy, because David threw himself on the mercy of God and he was forgiven. Where do you turn when you fall?

From Barrenness to Blessedness

Date: January 10, 2021 | Speaker:

There are times in life when God allows us to go through seasons of barrenness. We feel emptied of the joy and hope we once knew. God uses these trials to test us and grow our faith, and if we will allow the hardships to make us better instead of bitter, God will bring us through to a place of blessedness once again, where we are much stronger than we were before.

Restoring Your Broken Fellowship with God

Date: March 8, 2020 | Speaker:

How would you react if you went in for major surgery and the doctor came into the operating room with filthy hands and rusty instruments? Just the thought of it is unsettling! While cleanliness is important in the physical realm, it is far more important in the spiritual realm. Even though we are already completely righteous through Christ, sin still hinders our daily walk, and it breaks our fellowship with God. Thankfully He has provided a way for us to be cleansed and to restore our communion with Him. Are you using this simple tool He has given us to constantly maintain your fellowship with God?

The Hope We’ve All Been Searching For

Date: December 15, 2019 | Speaker:

Our lives are fueled by hope. The decisions we make, the goals we pursue — in fact everything we do is driven by the hope that our efforts will make life better tomorrow than it is today. Often we search for hope in all the wrong places. We mistakenly think that we will find hope in a new relationship, or by having a particular experience, or if our current circumstances were different. But none of those things can ever give us hope. There is only one place hope can be found. Have you found it yet?

The Gracious Wounds of God

Date: September 22, 2019 | Speaker:

At times in life we tend to go our own way instead of walking with God. In fact, sometimes we don’t just walk away from Him, we actually run! But if we truly belong to Him, He will not let us run forever. Often He will have to break us, wound us, in order to keep us from going astray and forgetting our dependence upon Him. These wounds might be painful, but they are really the marks of grace. They are proof that He knows us and loves us enough to keep us close to His side.

God’s Love is Bigger Than Your Failures

Date: September 8, 2019 | Speaker:

Jacob had ruined his life. He had lied to and cheated his family, and now he was about to pay! When his brother threatened to kill him, Jacob fled for his life, and while running away from his sin, he ran straight into God! Surprisingly, God met Jacob in love, and it changed his life. Sometimes we also try to run from the consequences of our sin, but we must remember that God’s love is greater than our sin! He longs to restore us to Himself if we will just surrender.