Sermons about Surrender

Choose Who You’re Going to Be

Date: September 17, 2017 | Speaker:

In a world of more than 7 billion people, it is easy to feel that your life has no significance to God. But as we look through the Bible, we do not see God using hundreds or thousands of people to bring about His plans. Instead, we see Him using individual men and women. God is still looking for just one willing person to stand up and say, “God, I choose to be identified with you. Please use my life for your glory.” Will you be that one?

Choosing to Trust in God’s Control

Date: August 6, 2017 | Speaker:

Do you trust God? The real answer to that question is found, not in what you say, but in how much of your life you are still trying to control. This is actually a symptom of pride, because you are telling God you can handle things without Him. God asks us to place our lives under His control, and trust in His wisdom instead of our own. When we do, we will begin living the way He designed us to live, and we will be the recipients of His promised care.

The Beauty of God’s Authority

Date: March 26, 2017 | Speaker:

There is, in all our hearts, a rebellion against authority. We see it in everyone, from the infant who screams when she doesn’t get her way, to the old man who still cheats on his taxes. We don’t like anyone ruling over us, but we were created to live within the boundaries of God’s authority. Is there still rebellion in your heart; areas where you are determined to go your own way? Surrender those to God, find joy under His authority, and you will finally discover true freedom!

Loving Like We’ve Been Loved

Date: February 19, 2017 | Speaker:

“I love you.” Those three words are spoken millions of times every day, but we all know that it is much easier to say those words than it is to actually live them out. Yet the Bible calls us to extend ourselves in love to others the way Christ extended Himself in love to us. He poured Himself out, holding nothing back. That seems like an awful lot to ask! Is that even possible, and if so how are we supposed do it?

Are We Led by the Spirit?

Date: October 2, 2016 | Speaker:

“Don’t worry, I know where I’m going!” Have you ever said that to anyone in the car, and then you ended up getting lost? It’s one thing to be on the wrong road while driving, but it’s a far more serious thing to be on the wrong road in life. How do we find direction for daily decisions? Is there anything more reliable to go on than just our feelings or how things look, and if so, how do we discover it?

You Refuse to Come to Me

Date: August 21, 2016 | Speaker:

Jesus told the most religious people in Jerusalem that even though they diligently studied the Scriptures, they still did not have the very life of which the Scriptures spoke. How is that possible? It’s possible because we can read the Bible, go to church and do all kinds of religious things, yet still completely miss Jesus! You may be religious, but have you ever come to Jesus to find the life, forgiveness and hope that only He provides?

Allowed to Suffer for God’s Glory

Date: July 24, 2016 | Speaker:

We sometimes grow impatient or even angry with God if He allows pain and sorrow into our lives. We question His love for us and wonder why a good God would ever allow us to hurt. But we must realize that we exist for one reason only, and that is bring glory to God; and whatever methods He may choose in order to be glorified through us are right and good. Have you ever come to terms with this vital truth?

Follow Me

Date: June 26, 2016 | Speaker:

“Follow Me.” This is the call Jesus extended to four simple fishermen along the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Little did those young men know what that call would entail, but their obedience forever changed their lives and ultimately changed the world. How do you respond when Jesus calls you to put Him above everything and everyone else and follow Him wherever He may lead?

What If We Followed God Courageously?

Date: October 18, 2015 | Speaker:

It doesn’t matter how much knowledge we have about the Bible if we’re not living it out in daily obedience. The real test of what we believe comes in whether or not we are willing to step out and follow God wherever He leads us. Are we eager to respond when God calls us to follow Him into the unknown, and are we prepared to let go of anything that would hold us back from a life of total surrender to Him?

You Have to Choose to be Used

Date: July 12, 2015 | Speaker:

The Bible says that God has already given us every spiritual gift we need to live for Him. We do not lack anything. The only question is, have we ever discovered our spiritual gifts and are we actually using them? Just attending a church service every week does not automatically make us a healthy, contributing part of the Body of Christ. We have to choose to be used! Have you ever discovered the spiritual gifts given to you by the Holy Spirit so that you can use them for the mission of Christ?

Dying to Live

Date: July 5, 2015 | Speaker:

No doubt, many people saw Jesus hanging on the cross and thought, “What a waste! He could have done so much more good if He hadn’t died.” But Jesus compared Himself to a kernel of wheat, which will never become more than a single seed unless it falls into the ground and dies. Only by dying can it spring to life and produce many more seeds. As His followers, we have been called to die to our own life just as Jesus did. Until we die, we will never begin to truly live!

All She Had to Live On

Date: June 14, 2015 | Speaker:

Jim Elliot is quoted as saying “He is no fool, who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose.” Jesus response to the widow who gave 2 copper coins is very revealing; he does not say she gave all her money, he says she gave all she had to live on. Luke 12:15 says “One’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions”. If our life isn’t in our possessions, what is Jesus referring to when he says this widow woman gave all she had to live on?