Sermons about Surrender

The Call to Discipleship

Date: October 25, 2020 | Speaker:

When Jesus calls us to follow Him and become His disciple, He requires nothing less than a total commitment. He said that everyone who would follow Him must deny themselves, take up their cross and follow Him. We cannot negotiate the terms of this call. We must be willing to sign a blank contract and let Him fill in the terms later. Are you following Jesus with this kind of total commitment, or are you still holding some areas of your life back from Him?

Destroying the Idols in Your Heart

Date: July 5, 2020 | Speaker:

When God sent His people into the Promised Land, the first thing they had to do was to locate and completely destroy every place of idol worship. God knows that any temptation we leave intact in our life will entice us away from pure worship to Him. Are there any “idols” that you have set up in your heart that are disrupting your true worship of God?

You’ll Never Be Good Enough!

Date: February 2, 2020 | Speaker:

Ask a hundred people to tell you who in this world will make it into heaven, and most of them will say, “The ones who are good, who don’t get drunk or do drugs or lie or cheat or steal, the ones who go to church, the ones who keep the Ten Commandments…” In other words, they’re saying if you perform good enough, God might let you in. But, in fact, the Bible says we can never be good enough to get into heaven. Well, that leaves us in a pretty bad spot! So what are we to do? If no one can be good enough to get into heaven, then how do we get there? Listen to today’s message for a look at the Ten Commandments that may surprise you.

The Hope We’ve All Been Searching For

Date: December 15, 2019 | Speaker:

Our lives are fueled by hope. The decisions we make, the goals we pursue — in fact everything we do is driven by the hope that our efforts will make life better tomorrow than it is today. Often we search for hope in all the wrong places. We mistakenly think that we will find hope in a new relationship, or by having a particular experience, or if our current circumstances were different. But none of those things can ever give us hope. There is only one place hope can be found. Have you found it yet?

Who Am I God, and Who Are You?

Date: November 3, 2019 | Speaker:

Any life that is going to be used by God must be humbled and broken first. This is God’s process of showing us who He really is, and who we really are by comparison. But we fight against this process because we don’t want to be humbled; we don’t want to be broken. And so we continue trying to live in our own strength, by our own resources, and in doing so, we miss out on what God wants to do through us. Are you still resisting this work of God in your life?

A True Disciple is Saved and Surrendered

Date: September 30, 2018 | Speaker:

The first mark of a true disciple is that he is saved. Jesus said there are many people doing religious things in His name, yet they will be turned away from heaven because they were never really born again. But salvation is just the first step. Once we’re saved, we cannot continue to run our own lives. We must turn over the throne of our heart to Him, surrendering everything to His leadership. It is difficult to give up control, but the truth is, our lives will never make sense or be fulfilling until the One who made us is completely in charge.

Blessed are the Meek

Date: July 22, 2018 | Speaker:

Of all the virtues people aspire to in life, meekness is rarely one of them. We don’t elect politicians who are meek. Corporations don’t look for meek CEO’s. Yet Jesus, the greatest leader who ever lived, was described as “meek and lowly in heart.” The Bible says that meekness will be one of the identifying marks of a follower of Christ. But what exactly is it, how does one obtain it, and how is it displayed in the life of a true believer?

Is God’s Will Your Will?

Date: February 18, 2018 | Speaker:

The next time you see a toddler throwing a tantrum because he doesn’t want to obey his parents, just remember that we all come into the world demanding our own way. None of us really want to submit to anyone else. We sometimes even try to get God to agree to our plans rather than surrendering to His plans. But when we can pray “Your will be done” and truly mean it, we will begin to discover God’s very best for our life.

Whose Kingdom Are You Building?

Date: February 4, 2018 | Speaker:

We’ve all heard the phrase “Your kingdom come” since we were little kids, and it might mean nothing more to us than just words in a prayer. But it is much more than words. It is a life to be lived. How do people see and experience God’s Kingdom? They do so through us. When we live each day surrendered to the rule and reign of God as our King, others will be touched by His truth and love, and the kingdom will continue to expand.

How Christmas Changes Your Future

Date: December 17, 2017 | Speaker:

Joseph and Mary would never have planned for their lives to turn out the way they did. They wouldn’t have chosen all the hardship, criticism and inconvenience that the birth of this Baby brought into their lives. Yet they willingly accepted God’s plan because they surrendered their future to Him. Becoming a follower of Christ means that your future is not your own. Are you willing to accept whatever that may bring for His glory?

How Christmas Changes Your Present

Date: December 10, 2017 | Speaker:

Does the birth of Jesus actually make any difference in our lives today, right here and now in our present circumstances? Yes, it does! When Jesus came into the world, He was “God with us”, and because God is with us, every moment of our lives is radically different. Because of His abiding presence, we can face the confusing, troubling situations of life without fear, knowing that He will never leave us or forsake us.

Trusting God Into the Unknown

Date: September 24, 2017 | Speaker:

It’s easy to “say” we would follow God anywhere, but it’s a whole different story when He actually calls us to step out into the complete unknown and follow Him by faith without having a clue how things are going to turn out. Doing so requires us to relinquish control of our lives and trust that whatever God brings about is ultimately best. Are you willing to trust God that way?