Sermons about Trust

Don’t Waste God’s Investment in You

Date: August 9, 2015 | Speaker:

If a wealthy businessman entrusted his entire company to you while he was away on a yearlong journey, but you failed to follow any of his instructions and you bankrupted the corporation, you could not act surprised if he became angry with you. When we are entrusted with something, it carries with it an expectation. Our Lord has entrusted us with His message, and one day He will return to settle accounts. Are we putting what He has given us to good use?

Obedience: Evidence of Love

Date: May 24, 2015 | Speaker:

Obedience to God is evidence of our Love for Him. If we do not spend much time with Jesus, our relationship with him will be weak; our trust will be shallow; our love will not be easy; and our obedience will be limited. We will not entrust ourselves to a stranger, and the same is true in our relationship with Christ.

To Believe or Not to Believe: The Sin of Unbelief

Date: March 1, 2015 | Speaker:

One way to help us understand biblical belief is to consider what it is not. Jesus was amazed at the unbelief of those in His hometown. Surely powerful miracles would cause people to recognize Jesus’ authority as the Son of God; well that’s how we think anyways. So why does Jesus not perform these powerful mighty works in his hometown, demonstrating who he is?

Contentment in the Unfailing Provision of God

Date: February 22, 2015 | Speaker:

We are constantly bombarded with advertising designed to make us discontent with what we have so that we will always feel compelled to pursue something more. This can easily send us on a never-ending quest for happiness and fulfillment; always thinking, “I’ll be happy when…” or “I’d be happier if…” In stark contrast to this, the Bible calls us to live a life of contentment, but is that even possible? Today’s message reveals the secret of being content, even in a world that isn’t.

Comfort in the Promised Presence of God

Date: February 15, 2015 | Speaker:

A child who awakens in a dark room in the middle of the night is often gripped with fear, yet all it takes to comfort him is the presence of his father or mother. The same darkness is still there, but the child’s heart is now at rest simply because he is not alone. As we walk through the dark seasons of life, we are easily filled with fear. The one thing that will bring true peace and comfort into those situations is knowing that Jesus has promised to always be with us to the very end of the world!

Confidence in the Absolute Providence of God

Date: February 8, 2015 | Speaker:

Just a quick glance at the headlines reminds us that we live in a world filled with trouble. Terrorism, wars, toppling governments, economic instability — it’s enough to make us want to run and hide. But even though we live in a world of fear, we do not have to live in fear! The Bible reminds us that God is in complete control of all things, and that nothing happens in the world at large or in our own lives that is outside of His providence. Knowing this truth will bring us peace even in the most troubling times of life.

An Unwelcome Announcement

Date: December 7, 2014 | Speaker:

Mary and Joseph didn’t ask for this! They were quite content making their plans and living their lives. Things were going along just fine. And then, without warning, along came God and dropped a bombshell in their lap, telling them that all their plans would be laid aside so that God could use their lives for His plans. They could have been angry. They could have fought back. But instead, they both submitted themselves to God’s will, and their lives were never the same. How do we react when God drops an unwelcome announcement into our lap and asks us to put our lives on hold for Him?

God’s Remedy for Worry

Date: June 1, 2014 | Speaker:

The economy, loss of jobs, our health, our finances, our children, the future — there are plenty of things in life that can fill us with worry and anxiety. In fact, if we allow it to, worry can become all-consuming and drain us of our joy and effectiveness. But we are not just helpless victims destined to live in the stranglehold of fear! The Bible shows us how we can rise above our anxious thoughts and find a supernatural peace that comes only from God.

Living By Faith – Pt. 2

Date: April 27, 2014 | Speaker:

There is an underlying principle at work in the lives of men and women who are known as giants of the faith. What is that principle? Is it something unique or is it simple? Is it their great faith that that establishes them as giants of the faith, or does living by faith mean something entirely different?

Living By Faith – Pt.1

Date: April 6, 2014 | Speaker:

Paul continues in Gal. 2:20 to explain that the life he now lives, he lives by faith. What does it mean to live life, and how is it that Paul now lives it by faith. What is faith? When we say that Christians belong to “the faith” what is being said? What is it about living a Christian life that separates that life from anyone else? How do we live by faith?

The Love of God

Date: October 20, 2013 | Speaker:

“The Love of God is greater far than tongue or pen can ever tell; It goes beyond the highest star, and reaches to the lowest hell.” These are lyrics to a hymn by F.M. Lehman which help us broaden our scope of understanding the measureless greatness of God’s love. To know and understand that His love for us is as intense today as it was the day Jesus’ willingly gave his life for ours. We have no need to doubt the depths of God’s love, we can knowingly trust that He will receive a repentant sinner.