Sermons about Trust

Defining Good

Date: October 13, 2013 | Speaker:

The Lord is good. He is the measure, the standard, the definition of “good”. Our faith must be grounded in Him, not in the world around us. Because He is good, we can know that everything he says or does is completely good; He would never do something contrary to himself. When it comes to our life of faith, do we believe that he is good even if our circumstances seem to indicate otherwise?

The Unchanging God

Date: October 6, 2013 | Speaker:

Knowing that God doesn’t change, we understand that He is reliable, dependable, trustworthy, truthful. He is a rock; a cornerstone or foundation stone which secures a whole building. He will be our firm foundation for the trials and storms of life, we must simply be obedient. His attitude toward sin is always the same, his attitude toward a repentant sinner is always the same. We must live our lives in humble obedience to God.

Who is the God you know?

Date: September 29, 2013 | Speaker:

White light, shone through a glass prism, reveals all of the colors. Pure white light contains all of the colors; you do not have pure white light if you remove one of the colors or if they are out of balance. God’s attributes are like the colors in the color spectrum. If the God you know only consists of some of his attributes, do you really know who He is. You cannot accurately understand pure white light if you are missing certain colors, and you cannot accurately understand who God is, if you are missing certain attributes. If you do not know the God of “White Light”, do you actually know God … what’s stopping you?

Enduring Trials for God’s Glory

Date: April 21, 2013 | Speaker:

Some people teach that God never uses pain or trials or sickness to bring about His will. While this may sound good, it is absolutely not biblical. As we will see today, God uses many things, including suffering, to bring about His purpose. The question is not whether we will face trials, but whether we will respond to them in ways that glorify God. If you are in the middle of a painful, confusing time in life right now, we pray that this message will be a great encouragement to you!

The Strange Leading of the Holy Spirit

Date: April 7, 2013 | Speaker:

The great church in Philippi began, not through clever planning and brilliant strategy, but because of “failed” plans by a missionary team. They had planned to take the Gospel into Asia, but the Holy Spirit would not allow them to go there, and sent them instead to the city of Philippi where they were severely beaten and thrown into prison. Surely this could not be God’s will for them! Yet out of that hardship came a beautiful church. Are you learning to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading, even when His plans don’t make sense?

Laying Everything On The Line

Date: February 17, 2013 | Speaker:

Have you ever laid everything on the line for something? The truth is, we all take risks in life in many different ways — going from being single to being married, deciding to have children, stepping out to pursue our dream career. But have you ever risked everything for Jesus? Have you ever intentionally laid down your entire life to live His life instead? Yes, you may have trusted Jesus with your soul… but have you ever trusted Him with your life? He said if we’re not willing to do that, we will get to the end and realize we lost everything. But if we give up our life for His, we will discover what life is really all about!

Surrendering Your Future to God’s Will

Date: January 6, 2013 | Speaker:

The night before Jesus went to the cross, He agonized over that step of obedience so deeply that the Bible says His soul was overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death! He asked His Father if there was any other way, but He concluded that prayer by saying, “…not my will, but Thy will be done.” Jesus was willing to surrender His future to God because he trusted His Father completely. He let go of everything that might have held Him back from total obedience. What about you? Is there anything holding you back from fully surrendering your future to God’s will?

He Sees You in the Storm

Date: October 28, 2012 | Speaker:

When the storms of life are beating down upon you, it is very easy to forget everything you thought you knew about God. Sometimes when you’re all alone struggling against the wind and waves, it can feel like God has forgotten you. Your prayers seem to go unheard and you wonder if He will ever come to your rescue. In those difficult times, it is vital that you remember three important truths about God. These truths will help you hold on through even the roughest seas and guide you safely to your destination!

He Himself is Our Peace

Date: October 21, 2012 | Speaker:

Regardless of who we are or how much we love God, the storms of life are bound to come. We sometimes endure struggles that feel completely overwhelming, and we wonder if God has forgotten all about us. Have you ever felt like the dark clouds would never roll away and let the sun shine again? If so, these sermons will bring you fresh hope and help you find peace in your storm.

Walking in the New Life, Part 4: Our Words

Date: July 22, 2012 | Speaker:

Our words… God has a lot to say about them, but are we paying attention? As His children, we hold the power to speak words of life or death. And whatever is in our hearts is what will come out of our mouths. Let’s take a close look at the truth of what God wants to hear from His children.

Crossing Our Jordan Rivers – Part 2

Date: March 18, 2012 | Speaker:

It’s one thing to read books about faith and hear stories about other people’s faith, but it’s another thing entirely when God calls us to step out on faith! The fact is, we can’t live on someone else’s faith. There comes a time in each of our lives when we must decide to either step out into an impossible situation and trust God completely, or turn and go the other way. Are you content to live your entire life just hearing stories about great faith, or are you determined to step out for God and have stories of your own to share with your grandchildren? God is looking for people to step out and trust Him wherever He leads. Will you be one of those people?

Crossing Our Jordan Rivers – Part 1

Date: March 11, 2012 | Speaker:

God’s paths seldom make sense. Often in life God leads us straight into what looks like an impossible situation where even our best resources are not enough to get us through. This is how the Israelites felt when God led them to the banks of the Jordan River at flood stage and commanded them to step out into the water and go across! These moments are not obstacles, but opportunities to see God’s power displayed! Are we willing to trust God to make a way where there is no way?