Sermons from 1 Samuel

Unwavering Faith in Troubled Times

Date: July 21, 2024 | Speaker:

It’s easy to stand in a worship service surrounded by other Christians and sing, “Lord, I trust in you alone,” but is that really true of us in life’s hardest moments? When unexpected and unwanted circumstances come our way, are we immediately flooded with fear, or have we learned to rest in God’s sovereignty, fully assured that He is in control of it all? God’s Word can transform our perspective and deepen our trust in Him, giving us a firm foundation on which to stand even as the world around us seems to be falling apart.

Pillars of Prayer

Date: September 4, 2022 | Speaker:

Burdened by what He witnessed upon His arrival to Jerusalem, Jesus cleared the temple. His zeal for the Father consumed him. Jesus declared that His Father’s house was to be a place of prayer for all nations.

With the many and frequent distractions we face in a world that is raising its fists towards heaven, it is difficult to take time to shut everything down and focus on seeking, prayer and worship. We see that over 650 prayers are recorded in the Bible and 25 of those prayers were by Jesus.

We will look at 4 prayers in the Bible, represented in the Old and New Testament, that all hinge on the declaration, “Your Kingdom Come”. The only way to see God’s Kingdom principles and path forward in our lives, and in our church, is to stop the spin and confusion from the “World’s Kingdom” by being a pillar of prayer.

Turning and Trusting – Part 2

Date: May 9, 2021 | Speaker:

The Bible tells us that those who trust in God are “blessed”. However, trusting in God during uncertain times can be difficult. Jeremiah 17 reminds us that God has provided us with everything we need to trust in Him and when we stay connected to Him during challenging times, God uses us to impact the lives of those around us and to ultimately bring Him glory. God is worthy and able to carry us through whatever journey we are on. Are you trusting in Him today?

Turning and Trusting – Part 1

Date: May 2, 2021 | Speaker:

In the book of Joel, God offers the people of Judah an opportunity to turn to Him despite their past sins and the judgement before them. He does this because of His great love. Even now, God offers us a similar opportunity. His love for us is great and He can change our hearts to desire Him more than anything else in this world. Is that your heart’s desire today?

What Kind of Legacy Will You Leave?

Date: February 28, 2021 | Speaker:

All of us will leave a legacy behind that will continue to live on after we are gone, and that legacy will either glorify God or it will glorify Satan. The choices we’re making today — our plans, our pursuits and our passions — are already shaping that legacy. Are we living each day with the big picture in mind to ensure that God will be honored through our life, and that He will continue to be honored even after we die?

Will You Defend God’s Honor?

Date: February 21, 2021 | Speaker:

On our list of priorities, plans and life’s goals, how high have we placed “bringing honor and glory to God?” Is that even on our list? Is it something we ever think about? At critical times throughout history there have been moments when God searched for just one person who would stand up for Him. Sometimes He found that person. Sometimes He did not. Are you committed to standing alone for God, if necessary, and using your life to bring Him glory?

Learning to See How God Sees

Date: February 14, 2021 | Speaker:

Have you ever met someone for the first time and then discovered later that you had unfairly misjudged them based solely on what you saw? We tend to judge people by what we see on the outside, but God warns us that this is wrong. What matters most to God is on the inside, because who we really are flows out of the condition of our heart. So, are we more concerned with how we look on the outside than how we look on the inside?

Highlights From a Wasted Life

Date: February 7, 2021 | Speaker:

King Saul had it all. He was tall, handsome, popular and powerful. But while he may have looked like the perfect king on the outside, everyone soon discovered that he had no substance on the inside. His pride and lack of self-discipline caused him to ignore God’s commands and follow his own desires. Sadly, this became his downfall and led him to a life of rebellion and destruction. He should serve as a warning to all of us about the danger of disregarding God’s Word and going our own way.

Exchanging God for Other Things

Date: January 31, 2021 | Speaker:

Did you ever demand to get your own way, even against the advice of others, only to end up suffering the consequences of that poor decision later on? Sometimes we do the same thing with God. Instead of following His Word, we demand to go our own way, which always ultimately leads to trouble and heartache. Today’s message reveals what’s really driving us to act like that, and helps us learn how to avoid the mistake of exchanging God’s ways for our own.

God is Not Your Good Luck Charm

Date: January 24, 2021 | Speaker:

A spare tire. An insurance policy. A fire extinguisher. These are things we keep around somewhere in case of an emergency. Usually they’re out of sight gathering dust because we never think about them until something goes wrong. Sadly, some people treat God this way. They have no time for Him, but the minute trouble comes, they run and grab God like He’s some kind of good luck charm, begging Him to fix their problems. If this has been your view of God, there is a much better relationship he desires to have with you!

When God Goes Silent

Date: January 17, 2021 | Speaker:

One of the most disturbing verses in the Bible is: “The word of the Lord was rare in those days.” This was a period of history when God’s people had turned their back on Him, and God’s word was no longer heard. Because the people didn’t want to hear from God, they drifted in darkness for many years. Are you in a season of silence right now, wondering where God is? Has it felt like forever since the word of God has gripped your heart? Perhaps this message will be a timely encouragement to you today!

From Barrenness to Blessedness

Date: January 10, 2021 | Speaker:

There are times in life when God allows us to go through seasons of barrenness. We feel emptied of the joy and hope we once knew. God uses these trials to test us and grow our faith, and if we will allow the hardships to make us better instead of bitter, God will bring us through to a place of blessedness once again, where we are much stronger than we were before.