Sermons from Isaiah

Trusting God to the Very End

Date: August 9, 2020 | Speaker:

Imagine being told that you only had a few days to live. That would be very difficult for anyone to hear! That’s exactly what happened to Moses, and we can learn some crucial lessons from the way he responded to that news. Do we know what it takes to trust God so much that, like Moses, we will trust Him right up to the very end?

How Far Do I Have to Climb?

Date: June 28, 2020 | Speaker:

The most famous mountain in the world is Mt. Everest. People are drawn to it from all over the world, and more than 300 of them have died trying to reach the summit. But there is another hill just outside Jerusalem called the place of the skull or the hill of death. That is where Jesus died for the sins of the world, and in order to be saved, you do not have to climb that hill… all you need to do is bow at His feet and receive Him as your Savior.

Are You in the Light?

Date: April 19, 2020 | Speaker:

Most of us would not feel comfortable being dropped in the middle of a forest at night with no flashlight. There is nothing fun about being lost in the dark! But this is even more true spiritually speaking. The Bible says we are either walking in darkness or we are walking in the light. Where are you?

Our Response to COVID-19

Date: March 29, 2020 | Speaker:

What a month this has been! The entire world has turned its attention to the outbreak of the Coronavirus, panic is widespread, cities look like ghost towns, and national economies are facing collapse. Times like these reveal what people have been trusting in for their sense of security and hope. Good health, a steady job and financial stability can all be gone in the blink of an eye, so make sure you are depending on the one thing that will never let you down.

The Hope We’ve All Been Searching For

Date: December 15, 2019 | Speaker:

Our lives are fueled by hope. The decisions we make, the goals we pursue — in fact everything we do is driven by the hope that our efforts will make life better tomorrow than it is today. Often we search for hope in all the wrong places. We mistakenly think that we will find hope in a new relationship, or by having a particular experience, or if our current circumstances were different. But none of those things can ever give us hope. There is only one place hope can be found. Have you found it yet?

Looking Forward

Date: December 1, 2019 | Speaker:

Scripture promises a new heaven and a new earth for followers of Christ. Peter reminds us of how this promise should impact our lives today. The goals that we are striving for in the future will always impact our choices in the present. Knowing that we will one day see Christ should motivate us to live holy lives here and now. Are we looking forward to that day, and are we living expectant, intentional holy lives in light of it?

Who Am I God, and Who Are You?

Date: November 3, 2019 | Speaker:

Any life that is going to be used by God must be humbled and broken first. This is God’s process of showing us who He really is, and who we really are by comparison. But we fight against this process because we don’t want to be humbled; we don’t want to be broken. And so we continue trying to live in our own strength, by our own resources, and in doing so, we miss out on what God wants to do through us. Are you still resisting this work of God in your life?

The Gifts of Christmas

The Gift of Comfort

Date: December 16, 2018 | Speaker:

For many people, Christmas is their favorite time of the year. They enjoy fireplaces, hot chocolate and gatherings with family and friends. But for others, Christmas is the most difficult time of the year. For them it stirs painful memories of a broken relationship, or a loved one who is no longer alive. When Jesus came into the world, He brought us the gift of comfort. If you’re hurting today, you don’t have to suffer alone. Jesus longs to give you this gift of comfort!

Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks

Date: July 1, 2018 | Speaker:

At some point in life, every believer will go through seasons when they feel bruised and beaten down by trials. During those times, discouragement can cause our spiritual fire to dwindle and almost burn out. How wonderful to know that Christ has promised He will never break a bruised reed or snuff out a smoldering wick! He comes to the weakest of us with mercy and grace, gently lifts us up, and lovingly restores us to himself again.

The Truth Will Set You Free

Our Redeeming God and His New Covenant

Date: April 29, 2018 | Speaker:

Starting with the fall of Adam and Eve, we see clearly the sobering consequences of sin. To know the truth is to know that our God is unchanging about sin. He is holy and righteous, and our sins cannot be overlooked. But God has provided a way for us to be saved from our sins. He offers this path of salvation through a new covenant; the Messianic Covenant. We either accept this new covenant and abide by the terms, or we reject it altogether and choose our own path; a choice that Jesus described as leading to destruction. Join us as we uncover the truth about God’s New Covenant offer, and the reason it is described as such good news!

Do You Know Who You’re Talking To?

Date: January 28, 2018 | Speaker:

How do you come to God in prayer? Do you see Him as a distant being who probably has little or no personal interest in you, or perhaps as a stern boss you are reluctant to approach? The opening line of the Lord’s Prayer teaches us the correct view we must have of God. He is our loving Father, but He is also the holy God of heaven, and in that, we find both the comfort and the confidence we need to pray.

Prince of Peace

Date: January 1, 2017 | Speaker:

Look at the news headlines any day of the week and you’ll see a world filled with terrorism, war, hatred, violence and fear. Yet sometimes the worst kind of turmoil and unrest can be found in our own lives! We say we’re saved, but we have no peace in our heart. Isaiah promised that Christ would be our Prince of Peace. Do you truly have His peace today?