Sermons about Heaven

God Will Make All Things Right

Date: May 7, 2023 | Speaker:

We all experience seasons of trouble and darkness in life that are sometimes so severe we wonder if help and relief will ever come. All life and hope seem to be gone forever. But God sees life where we only see deadness; He sees hope even when all our hope has faded. Do you feel trapped in the dark right now, certain that no light will shine there again? It’s in those exact moments that you need to trust God more than any other. He has not forgotten you or abandoned you. Hold on and trust unflinchingly in His promises. Things may be bad now, but a better day is coming, and in the end, God will make all things right!

The Comfort of the Incarnation

Date: December 18, 2022 | Speaker:

The good news of Christmas is for those who are tired of seeing sin and bad news everywhere, especially in themselves. It’s easy to become weighed down and discouraged by the constant battles of this life, but having the assurance that—because Christ came the first time, He is most certainly coming again—fills us with comfort and hope. We can look beyond the unrest that we see around us and that we sometimes see within us, and we can be comforted by the guaranteed promise of His return and the eternal life that awaits all those who have trusted in Him as their Savior! Do you have this comfort today?

Longing for His Return

Date: December 19, 2021 | Speaker:

Have you ever been stuck in a faraway airport after a long, exhausting trip, watching one flight after another being canceled? You’re tired and hungry, and all you want in that moment is to be home! The struggles and trials of life often remind us that our real home is in heaven, and make us wish we could be there now. In the midst of it all, remember, Jesus is coming back, and when He does, all things will be made new!

Your Last Day On Earth

Date: August 15, 2021 | Speaker:

What if you were told that today was your last day on earth? How would that news impact your plans, and what regrets would you have? We should always be mindful of the brevity of life and make it our goal to live every day for the glory of God and for His mission. Too many people start well, but don’t finish well. Take encouragement from the lessons in this message to ensure that you will remain faithful to the very end.

The Choice of a Lifetime

Date: August 2, 2020 | Speaker:

During our lifetime we make thousands of choices. Some choices, like which shirt to wear, have little or no significance; while other choices, like who to marry, will affect the rest of our lives. But the Bible says there is one choice every person on earth has to make, and the result will either bring you life or death. The decision seems simple, but many people choose wrong every day. How will you answer this choice of a lifetime?

An Invitation into the Forbidden Zone

Date: April 26, 2020 | Speaker:

There was a time when no one could even imagine the idea of entering into the presence of God. His holiness and power caused people to tremble in fear. But when Christ died on the cross as the final sacrifice for our sin, the way into God’s presence was opened up for anyone to approach Him through prayer. Are we making the most of this incredible invitation to come near to God?

Looking Forward

Date: December 1, 2019 | Speaker:

Scripture promises a new heaven and a new earth for followers of Christ. Peter reminds us of how this promise should impact our lives today. The goals that we are striving for in the future will always impact our choices in the present. Knowing that we will one day see Christ should motivate us to live holy lives here and now. Are we looking forward to that day, and are we living expectant, intentional holy lives in light of it?

Why Blood Was Required to Forgive Sins

Date: November 10, 2019 | Speaker:

Are you going to heaven when you die? How do you know that for sure? Do you think it’s because you’ve been a good person, or given money to the church, or because your parents were Christians? The truth is, none of those things will get you to heaven. There is only one way, and that is through the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ who gave His life as the required payment for sin. God’s judgement for sin is coming, and the only way you will be saved from that judgement is if you have applied the blood to your life.

Trusting God’s Word to the Very End

Date: August 25, 2019 | Speaker:

As we have studied the lives of Abraham and Sarah, we have learned many lessons from both their failures and their faith. But despite every setback and every obstacle, God’s plans prevailed, and ultimately they trusted God’s Word right to the very end of their lives. Can the same be said of us? Is our faith in God so secure that regardless of the problems that may arise, our trust in His Word will stand firm to the very end?

Blessed are Those Who are Persecuted

Date: August 26, 2018 | Speaker:

There are many wonderful promises in the Bible that we should all become familiar with, but there is one promise that none of us really want to think about. Jesus promised that everyone who followed Him would be hated and persecuted by the world. While most of us have never been subjected to any kind of physical persecution, if we are truly living for righteousness, we will most certainly experience rejection, slander, and even hatred at times for our faith. This is one of the marks of a true believer. Is it evident in your life?

Blessed are the Poor in Spirit

Date: July 8, 2018 | Speaker:

Gaining entrance into heaven cannot be earned by our own efforts or goodness. We become part of God’s kingdom only when we recognize and admit that we are totally bankrupt spiritually, and that we are utterly dependent upon God’s mercy and grace to save us. Being poor in spirit is not a quality the world admires, but everyone who humbles themselves in this way and receives the forgiveness of the cross is blessed by God with the promise of eternal life.

A Life That Draws Others to Christ

Date: March 19, 2017 | Speaker:

The most powerful argument for the truth of Christianity is not the argument of theology. It is the argument of a transformed life. God has given us the privilege of being His representatives to the world around us. Are people drawn to the beauty of the Gospel by the way we live our lives each day? Do they want to know Him because of what they see in us?