Sermons about Knowing God

The Incomprehensible Majesty of God

Date: January 28, 2024 | Speaker:

It has been said that what comes to our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us. Your view of God—right or wrong—will define your entire relationship with Him, so make absolutely sure it is based on truth. Our tendency is to create a god who is just like us; one we can manage and manipulate. But the God of heaven is not confined by our limited intellect or controlled by our expectations. The complexity of His glory extends far beyond our wildest imagination. Have you reduced God to something He is not? Have you created a god in your own image? You need a fresh look at who God really is and allow His vastness to bring you to your knees before Him!

The Mirage of Earthly Hope

Date: July 23, 2023 | Speaker:

What are you depending on to keep you firmly anchored when the storms of life begin to blow? Your 401k? Your good health? A secure job? Friends or family? While those things may offer peace of mind today, there’s no guarantee any of them will be here tomorrow. In a society driven by the pursuit of possessions, wealth, and pleasure, it is vital to recognize the profound importance of placing your trust and hope in something greater than the transient offerings of this world. There’s only one place to find that unfailing security and eternal peace, and you can find it today!

The Danger of Cold Christianity

Date: June 25, 2023 | Speaker:

If you have surrendered your life to Christ and you faithfully live for Him, then the idea of ever forsaking Him is absolutely unthinkable to you! But don’t get too comfortable. It’s entirely possible to forsake the Lord even while still believing in Him, attending church, and having all the outward appearances of a devoted Christian. We can obey Him out of cold, rigid obedience, and yet have hearts that are miles away from Him. We can say we love Him, but not have an active, vibrant relationship with Him. So, what about you? Have you lost the passion you once had for the Lord? Come back to Him today. He longs to restore the closeness you once enjoyed!

Live Like Your Life Matters!

Date: June 18, 2023 | Speaker:

So many people go through life without knowing why they’re even here on this earth. No one has ever told them that their life has meaning and that they were born for a purpose. As a result, they merely exist from day to day, wondering when it will all be over, and the consequences of this are devastating! If that describes you in some way, you need to know that before you were even conceived, God knew you intimately. Before you were born, He had a plan for your life. You may not have been planned by your parents, but you were planned by God, and He is waiting to unfold His incredible purpose for your life! Open the Bible and begin seeking Him today. Pray and ask that His plan for you will be revealed. Your life will have more meaning and significance than you’ve ever dreamed!

Stop Treating God Casually!

Date: January 8, 2023 | Speaker:

God has been so trivialized in our modern culture that even His name is used as a common curse word! But here’s a sobering truth: What we truly think of God is so absolutely critical that it literally shapes everything we say and do, and it will ultimately determine the outcome of our lives. So, pause for a minute and ask yourself honestly, “What do I really think of God?” Both Isaiah and Job loved and respected God, but the instant they were given a glimpse of His blazing holiness and terrifying power, they fell to their knees in repentance, and their lives were never the same again. May God give us a genuine vision of Himself that will burn away our casual view of Him and forever transform us to worship Him in the fear and reverence He deserves.

You Can’t Live on Borrowed Faith

Date: October 24, 2021 | Speaker:

The statistics are daunting. More and more young people raised in Christian homes abandon the faith when they leave for college. Growing up, they quoted Bible verses, worshiped every Sunday, and knew all the right things to say. So what went wrong? It’s because they’ve been living on a borrowed faith instead of making it their own. They had religion, but they never had a relationship with Christ. What about you? Is your faith your faith, or is it a borrowed faith?

God is Calling. Are You Listening?

Date: August 1, 2021 | Speaker:

Many Christians tend to think that a “call of God” is only something pastors or missionaries receive, but if you’re saved, God is constantly prompting your heart to follow Him in many different ways. The question is, do you recognize His voice when He speaks, and will you obey what He is asking you to do?

Turning and Trusting – Part 2

Date: May 9, 2021 | Speaker:

The Bible tells us that those who trust in God are “blessed”. However, trusting in God during uncertain times can be difficult. Jeremiah 17 reminds us that God has provided us with everything we need to trust in Him and when we stay connected to Him during challenging times, God uses us to impact the lives of those around us and to ultimately bring Him glory. God is worthy and able to carry us through whatever journey we are on. Are you trusting in Him today?

The Secret to Being Fully Satisfied

Date: April 25, 2021 | Speaker:

If you’ve just finished your favorite meal and dessert and you’re completely full, the last thing on your mind is to go out looking for another meal. There’s no need to because you’re already satisfied. One reason we so often choose to sin is because we’re actually trying to fill an emptiness inside of us; an emptiness we believe will be filled by that sin. But there is only one way for us to ever be fully satisfied, and once you discover that, your life will never be the same!

If God Came to Live With You…

Date: April 18, 2021 | Speaker:

Imagine if God announced to you and to the world that His presence was going to come down from heaven and take up permanent residence in your house. How would that news impact your life? If you’re saved, God is already living in a place far more personal than your house. He’s living in you! This is an amazing truth that should fill us with awe and transform our entire future! Can others see that you are the temple of God and that He lives inside you?

Learning to See How God Sees

Date: February 14, 2021 | Speaker:

Have you ever met someone for the first time and then discovered later that you had unfairly misjudged them based solely on what you saw? We tend to judge people by what we see on the outside, but God warns us that this is wrong. What matters most to God is on the inside, because who we really are flows out of the condition of our heart. So, are we more concerned with how we look on the outside than how we look on the inside?

The Call to Discipleship

Date: October 25, 2020 | Speaker:

When Jesus calls us to follow Him and become His disciple, He requires nothing less than a total commitment. He said that everyone who would follow Him must deny themselves, take up their cross and follow Him. We cannot negotiate the terms of this call. We must be willing to sign a blank contract and let Him fill in the terms later. Are you following Jesus with this kind of total commitment, or are you still holding some areas of your life back from Him?