Sermons about God's Power

God’s Sustaining Power

Date: February 5, 2023 | Speaker:

Living in this world can be difficult. Jesus even warns us of the trouble and sorrow we will have. He also describes the way to His Kingdom as a hard way and few will choose to travel it. But for those who do choose to follow Christ in this way, God promises them a power to sustain them. He is able to keep those who are in covenant with Him, and He will be faithful to do it to the very end. Join us as we look at the wonderful promise of God’s sustaining power.

Contend for the Faith

Date: November 13, 2022 | Speaker:

Have you read the letter of Jude lately? It’s a short letter with a bold message, and it’s for all believers everywhere. Jude brings attention to a danger to the faith, and he doesn’t beat around the bush when he writes about it. His passionate appeal is as relevant for us today as it was for first and second generation believers. Are you willing to receive his timeless call to contend for the faith?

Jesus Can

Date: September 18, 2022 | Speaker:

Jesus crossed the Sea of Galilee with his disciples and encountered a man possessed with demons. Jesus loved this man and displayed his power over the enemy by commanding the demons out of him and setting this man free. This passage reminds us that there is always hope for the hopeless and that when Jesus moves in our lives, then He gives us a message to carry to the world. Is your hope in the Jesus Who Can?

The Destructive Consequences of Our Sin

Date: August 7, 2022 | Speaker:

One little bug can’t harm a whole crop, but a swarm of locusts can devour and destroy an entire countryside in just minutes! We may not think that our “little” sins will ever harm anyone else, but the ripple effects might actually be felt for generations to come. The book of Joel describes a time when God’s people and their land suffered complete devastation as a result of their sin, and there was only one way to fix it. God called them to be genuinely brokenhearted, to repent of their sin, and to return to Him. If they did this, He promised to restore what they had lost and pour out His blessings upon them once again. If you are away from God right now and suffering the consequences of your sin, you don’t have to stay there! Return to Him today and receive the forgiveness and blessing He longs to give you.

Colossians – Part 5

Date: March 6, 2022 | Speaker:

Paul’s letter to the believers in Colossae is packed full of encouragement for them, warnings about false teachings, and instructions on relating to one another. Join us as we step through this powerful letter and apply the truths found here to our own lives, church, and relationships.

Opening Our Eyes to the Spiritual Realm

Date: October 10, 2021 | Speaker:

It is possible to have 20/20 vision but still be completely blind! If we only perceive life through our physical senses, we’ll be dangerously unaware of the spiritual realm that exists all around us. This will make us vulnerable to the enemy and cause us to live in fear when we face overwhelming battles. Being aware of God’s presence all around us brings an entirely new perspective to everything. It reminds us that, as God’s children, we are never alone. We are never outnumbered. We are never at the mercy of the enemy. Are your spiritual eyes open?

Courageous Faith

Date: September 5, 2021 | Speaker:

The Centurion courageously and desperately sought after the only One who could change his servant’s situation. In the process, the Centurion displayed amazing faith in what Jesus could do and ultimately saw Jesus bring glory to God by healing his servant. Even though we may not always see the rewards of our faith on this earth like the Centurion did, we can trust that God is working in all our situations to bring glory and honor to Him. Are you desiring to bring God glory by desperately seeking and trusting Him with the situations in your life?

Don’t Put Your Hope in the Wrong Leader

Date: March 21, 2021 | Speaker:

We live in a world where leaders fail us on a regular basis. Pastors fall, elected officials betray us, and our heroes let us down. Even the greatest leaders at their very best are flawed. There is only One in whom we can totally place our trust. His kingdom will never fall and He will reign in truth and justice forever. If you put your faith in any earthly leader, you will be disappointed. Put your hope in Jesus. He will never fail you!

Christmas: The Wonder of HOW

Date: December 13, 2020 | Speaker:

If you and I had planned the birth of Jesus, we would have made sure He was born into a royal family, that He had the best medical care, the most comfortable surroundings, and that His birth was announced to famous, influential people. But God chose for His Son to be born into the lowliest of conditions, surrounded by poverty and hardship, and overlooked by almost everyone. In doing this, God was teaching us a life-changing lesson that will forever change the meaning of Christmas!

Seek the Lord While He May Be Found

Date: September 27, 2020 | Speaker:

How long can a person continue ignoring God and pursuing sin before judgement comes? Throughout the Bible we see the incredible patience of God towards those who keep turning away from Him. He gives them many opportunities to repent, but the clock is ticking on His patience, and one day it will end. Are you still running from God? Call on Him today before it’s too late!

Following God in Days of Uncertainty

Date: August 30, 2020 | Speaker:

What do you do when some traumatic event has left you shaken, broken, and filled with worry? What do you do when the future looks so overwhelming that fear paralyzes you from moving forward? The same help that God gave to Joshua is available to you right now. Yes, you can continue following God, even in days of uncertainty!

An Invitation into the Forbidden Zone

Date: April 26, 2020 | Speaker:

There was a time when no one could even imagine the idea of entering into the presence of God. His holiness and power caused people to tremble in fear. But when Christ died on the cross as the final sacrifice for our sin, the way into God’s presence was opened up for anyone to approach Him through prayer. Are we making the most of this incredible invitation to come near to God?