Sermons about God's Power

Undeniable Design: The Fingerprints of Jesus

Date: January 26, 2025 | Speaker:

When you pause to consider the intricate complexity of creation, you’re faced with the reality that every detail, no matter how small, gives evidence of a Designer. From the mathematical precision of the galaxies to the astonishing arrangement of human DNA, creation reveals something far greater than random chance—an intentional, loving intelligence that crafted every molecule with purpose. Yet, the most awe-inspiring truth of all is this: the Creator who spoke stars into existence and orchestrated the dance of electrons stepped into human history, took on flesh, and willingly died for your sins so that you could be forgiven and have eternal life. This revelation doesn’t just shift our perspective; it redefines the very purpose of our existence, anchoring our lives in a hope that stretches far beyond the limits of this world.

The Transforming Power of Thankfulness

Date: December 1, 2024 | Speaker:

What if the very thing you’re holding onto—your fear, your pain, your sense of lack—is the one thing keeping you from God’s best? You may be quick to thank God for your blessings, but what about your battles? Jesus gave thanks for a handful of loaves and fish before they became a feast. He gave thanks the night He was betrayed, knowing agony lay ahead. Gratitude, even for the hard things, doesn’t deny the difficulty; it declares God’s power over it. It loosens the grip of anxiety, frees you from despair, and opens the door for God to transform you in ways beyond your imagination. Will you dare to trust Him and give thanks, even in the midst of your struggles?

Breaking the Grip of Fear

Date: November 3, 2024 | Speaker:

One of the enemy’s most effective tactics is sowing seeds of fear in our minds to dishearten us and bring God’s work to a halt. You will inevitably face moments when opposition closes in and threatens to erode your courage. The question is, will you allow fear to control you, or will you rise above it by remembering that God is greater than every circumstance? When you cultivate a moment-by-moment awareness of God’s power and presence, the fears that once held you captive begin to lose their grip. True freedom is not found in the absence of fear, but in fearing the Lord above all else. So, what fears do you need to bring to Him today?

The Power of an Ordinary Life

Date: October 13, 2024 | Speaker:

Your life, with all its flaws and imperfections, is not a hindrance but the very instrument God desires to use. The question isn’t whether God can use someone like you, but whether you’re willing to step out of your comfort zone and say “yes” to His call. You might feel ordinary, unqualified, or too broken, but that’s exactly who God uses to do the impossible. He’s calling you out of the stands and onto the field, challenging you to stop making excuses and start making a difference. Your life, your gifts, your very presence in the body of Christ matters more than you realize. So who will you lock arms with? Because when we unite, we become an unstoppable force for His glory!

The Good Hand of God Upon Us

Date: September 8, 2024 | Speaker:

As you endeavor to solve problems, accomplish tasks and pursue your goals, remember that your success doesn’t depend upon your own strength or wisdom alone. It rests in the powerful, guiding hand of God. Do you ever pause to recognize how God is working in your life—opening doors, orchestrating circumstances, and meeting your needs? Yes, your planning and effort are important, but it’s God who leads, sustains, and empowers you to do anything of lasting value. In your journey of faith, pause often to thank God for His good and faithful hand upon you, acknowledging that without Him, none of it would be possible.

Our Ultimate Victory in Christ

Date: August 18, 2024 | Speaker:

It’s thrilling to celebrate victories in life, whether it’s a significant personal accomplishment, a well-deserved business success, or a hard-fought spiritual battle! But as rewarding as these moments are, they are only temporary. Soon we realize that this warfare never ends because we live in a world of sin. It’s a sobering reminder that we need the ultimate rescue only Christ can give. By His death and resurrection, He conquered sin and secured eternal deliverance for all who put their faith in Him. Have you trusted in Christ for this everlasting victory?

Strength for Today, Hope for Tomorrow

Date: June 2, 2024 | Speaker:

When faced with a daunting task that looms before you like a mountain, where do you turn for the strength to sustain you today and the hope to carry you through tomorrow? This sermon reminds us that we don’t need to face life’s challenges alone. Through the indwelling Holy Spirit, we have an inexhaustible supply of power for today, and through the sure promise of Christ’s return, we have an anchor of unwavering hope for a glorious future. Our coming Savior is both our Priest and our King—the answer to our desperate need for redemption and righteous rule. Do you lack strength for today’s battles? Do you lack hope for the future? Find encouragement in the truth of God’s Word today!

The Significance of Our Testimony

Date: March 10, 2024 | Speaker:

A testimony can be a powerful thing, and the use of a testimony goes right back to God, Himself, when He wrote His testimony of entering into covenant with His people, Israel. God also did this in His New Covenant, and though there are similarities, His New Covenant is far better than the old. Jesus is the mediator of this New Covenant, and through Him, we can experience all that God has provided for us. Join us as we look at the significance of our testimony.

Beyond Your Abilities: Finding Strength in God’s Spirit

Date: February 4, 2024 | Speaker:

Have you ever been prompted by God to do something so daunting or beyond your abilities that it left you paralyzed in fear? Maybe it was an invitation to teach your first Sunday School class, share your faith with an unfriendly neighbor, or go on a mission trip to a dangerous land. Even though you may feel incapable, don’t spend one more day hesitating! God has promised to empower you for whatever He calls you to do, regardless of the challenges you may face. God gave Ezekiel a task that terrified him, but his response challenges us to find strength in God’s Spirit and trust in His ultimate plan, no matter how overwhelming it may seem. Remember, the same God who empowered Ezekiel will empower you!

The Incomprehensible Majesty of God

Date: January 28, 2024 | Speaker:

It has been said that what comes to our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us. Your view of God—right or wrong—will define your entire relationship with Him, so make absolutely sure it is based on truth. Our tendency is to create a god who is just like us; one we can manage and manipulate. But the God of heaven is not confined by our limited intellect or controlled by our expectations. The complexity of His glory extends far beyond our wildest imagination. Have you reduced God to something He is not? Have you created a god in your own image? You need a fresh look at who God really is and allow His vastness to bring you to your knees before Him!

But Because You Say So, I Will

Date: September 17, 2023 | Speaker:

When Jesus called Simon and the other disciples to follow Him, He displayed His power through a miraculous catch of fish. This encounter changed these men’s lives forever and reminds us of what Jesus can do in us and through us when we step out in obedience to Him. Jesus used these men to impact the world for the Kingdom and it all started with Simon’s obedience to put his net out into deep water. Are you ready and willing to obey Him however He may lead?